Werewolf and Werebear skills are useless in PTR

It’s the first step to hoping we all forget about druid attack speeds lol.

Can we get a new blue post acknowledging that the community does not want these attack speed changes to shapeshifters please. Listen to your community for once and do the right thing. You’re destroying one of the least played niche builds in diablo 2. While you buff total saturated overpowered classes…


The devs ran off to Reddit rather than updating us here and even on Reddit they didn’t say anything useful. The deafening silence here and on Reddit since then doesn’t fill me with much hope. They clearly have no idea how to fix the problem they created and have doubled down on it by saying that players are “confused”.


I love how they think this is a buff when it actually is such a huge nerf to the overall attack speed of all weapons in shift form… Players aren’t confused its the deveolopers that are. They treat us like idiots who don’t to do the math required to hit breakpoints. That whole blue post is just a major cop out to take blame off of them for messing this up. And they wonder why people were afraid of this game getting patched in the first place. Because we knew something like this would happen when they “fix old bugs”. Its not a bug in the first place its how the original developers intended shapeshifters to work. This destroys weapon diversity compared to how it was before these changes. Please blizzard respond to us here on the forums and fix this mess.


Nah, ya’ll are definitely confused.

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Poor choice of a place to run too really.

Plenty of us are on multiple sites about diablo 2 so it only increased the places where we could give them a piece of our mind and explain to them that they playerbase understand math and how the changes benefits no player.

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On the bright side, this topic has more replies than any other post in the PTR Feedback category which makes it pretty hard to ignore.


And yet not only are they ignoring it, they even deleted the one blue topic about it. I guess they didn’t want to get our hopes up.


I told a guy at my work I couldn’t wait to play 2.4 as a werebear druid. He said “man you’re gonna hate it” and then told me why. Hopefully they will listen to you guys about this, because I’ve always wanted to roll one and never did. The point of all the changes they proposed, was to make less viable builds more viable, and so I hope they make it so.


Werebear sucked before 2.4. It has no multi-target attack except Shockwave, which is a low damage stun attack. Leveling a werewolf to level 30 and Fury is incredibly annoying and werebears are like that forever. Even if they buff werebear attack speed back to pre-2.4 playing a melee bear is still going to suck.

This was my favorite class besides its weak parts. With good stuff in addition of ubers, was able to solo P8.
This IAS change is simply completly wrong and blue reply is simply completely unnacceptable.
So Blizz, put back IAS as it was or find out another way to bring back wereform to the level it was, or better.
Do not forget that we are players but as well your customers…


feels better
(on a quick glimpse)

We did it boys group hug lol


Overall a win for sure, it is now same as before. I still strongly think we need to be able to reach 3 FPA and that equipment IAS should count, as well as a passive FRW skill,
this is mostly because other classes got good buffs and we are basically staying the same, resulting in a net nerf. Therefore the original idea for PTR of improving Shapeshift has not been met, we are just the same


Thank you Blizzard, very pleased with this change. Now our next goal should be to make fury uninterruptable and allow us to reach more IAS breakpoints using other gear besides weapon slot.


Well they way they said it uses both calculations now does that mean we can use off weapon IAS too? If so we would have better weapon selection with gear combinations. I’ll have to test it out.

Mmm it is possible :thinking::thinking:, I hope that’s the case, but it just sounds like it uses either one method or the other, and it ends up with whichever is faster

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At least shapeshifters avoid the worst situation, thanks for listening the feedback Blizzard


its still to less of a buff, it only affects a bit the leveling of SS druid, but he still is weak in endgame, i dont understand why they dont allow us to get to the 3fpa, with offweapon ias, its so nessessary for the Druid

and why are all now thanking blizzard? they just unmade a worse decision and just made it even more complicated to figure out what formula is being used with a weapon. i hope it is just a placeholder solution because its a very weak solution, i hope they have bigger standards than this

I’m so happy riht now. Best buff is we didn’t get nerfed. :smiley:

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