Werewolf and Werebear skills are useless in PTR

Was hoping to see an increase of attackspeed making more weapons viable for the WB (mainly).

Things I’d like to see apart from fix and boost to druid shapeshifting attackspeeds are (so far):

Autohit Hunger. They did it for impale and boosted assassin finishes. But this skill NEEDS to hit in order for us to leech. You don’t go 20 levels into hunger so AR from skill is minimal. Going in for a bite means you are desparate for that leech to kick in. And instead you miss. :smiley:

Increase duration for Maul charge (and probs Feral Rage). 20s duration is really poor. Dead end? Sorry, your charge will vanish before reaching an enemy. Killing Diablo or Baal? Not with your charged skill… I suggest at least giving 1 second extra duration per level of the skill or through synergy from WB/WW respectively. Or both. If we can reach 40-60s duration we might be able to cover these punishing charge losses even tough we’re actively using them and desperately searching for enemies.

No deshift while changing act. Deshifting isn’t fun. Losing charges comes with it as well. If we’re trying to be fast (which is hard when we’re so slow) and fight in different level 85 areas - why do we constantly need to reshape and get new charges because we have to move between acts. Let our timers keep running or automatically give us the same level shift and charge with act changing.

Just some initial thoughts.


Who attacked anyone?

Oh, not in this thread. But I do see a trend on these forums in general to make sort of snarky and nasty comments to the developers and Blizzard in general, which I feel is useless, immature, and unhelpful.

This is what I believe as well. The people (person? AI??) being paid to develop this game have absolutely no idea how it works at a deep level. Imagine working on this game and never having solo’d through hell mode… like what makes you think you’re cut out to make decisions about things you know nothing about?

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Not to mention the new runeword for a possible rabies build may not even be BIS…plus rabies as a skill needs buffed too. 20 second dot is ridiculous.

Rabies could use some buffs too, specially in PvM


Please, Blizzard, don’t let this go through. And consider giving him some more love, too. This is the character I rushed to build to recreate my favorite build from LOD. I know we’re a niche bunch, but those of us who enjoy this playstyle REALLY enjoy this playstyle. Thanks for listening !


really anything would be better than this, the wolf is being neutered with these planned changes

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Even the summoning buffs, which certainly are buffs, are nice but still feel weak compared to other classes.

This ias Nerf is too much. Its nearly impossible to keep your head above water against decent Concentration barbs or Zealers. This Nerf means there is no longer a point to playing Shapeshift builds.


I was worried when i read about werebear/wolf ias determination changes…
A first quick test (i’ll need more time and a 6 sockets phase blade ;)) nailed the coffin of my firebear :frowning:


It’s hilarious, this needs more attention. Only good thing about it so far is that Llama talked about the issue in his stream. I hope they will address it.

Shape needs some love badly - even if this wasnt the case, some more ar from current patch notes does nothing really. Also let Druids teleport in Werwolf form.

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I dont care that much about teleport, but at least let us use Battle Orders in shapeshifted forms.

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2 months ago they improved IAS by removing artificial caps by mistake, making fury druids much stronger, and all melee chars potentially a bit better depending on their weapon of choice and if new IAS breakpoints were reachable.

Instead of keeping this idea, they removed it and in this new patch, they managed to make fury druids attack 3 times slower…

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@Blizz - go here and scroll down to goomshill and gel87’s posts. I mean this in the nicest way possible but you blizzard devs need to pay these guys to explain how the game works to you.
https:// forums. d2jsp .org/topic.php?t=92033237&f=148&o=60

To put numbers to it:

Human druid attack frames:
BXW: 20
1HS: 19
2HS: 21
1HT: 19
2HT: 23
H2H: 16
BOW: 16
STF: 17

druid attack frames:
A1: 13
S3: 10
S4: 7

its hilarious how slow druids attack now

Assuming they use regular ias formula now we can check with tomb reaver:
90ias tombreaver + 50 off wep ias = 140ias, 10wsm. Lets assume 75sias from werewolf skill.

EIAS = Floor(120ias/(120+ias)-wsm+sias
Eias = 129… But adding any ias wont help any… Cause its capped at 75…
So werewolf skill add 75, wsm removed 10… So u have 10eias left to boost with ias…
IAS needed to reach EIAS breakpoint = ceiling((120
(EIAS- SIAS + WSM))/(120-(EIAS - SIAS +WSM)))

This gives 11…
11 ias in total is all you need to max out ur speed… So using an eth death cryptic axe + highlord and ur at max ias.

Ceiling(17256/(256(100+75)/100)) = 10 frames…

So u can max reach 10 frames attack on a wolf if understand correct and now every form of ias is useless more or less.

So bow is slight faster:
Ceilinf(16256/(256(100+75)/100)) = 10 frames as well…

So yepp, useless…

Keep the old shaper formulas, modify eias/speedincrease cap to 200 and shapers are fine… If they are really annoyed by the fact assa bear can then reach 1 frame on a 24frame rated breakpoint system, which will render the attack to fast for the breakpoint system, then they can just choose eias cap of 199 and assa wont get that problem/bug…


A very sad Fury druid.


I really hope this change was unintended, we really need IAS outside the weapon to work for Fury, but also the cap needs to be 3 FPA not 10 FPA like it is in PTR.

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I’ve been trying to do a hurricane shapeshift (werewolf) build in the PTR. Any recommendations on how I should make my skill tree? I feel like besides hurricanes it relies on summons. I’m wondering which summons I should use and also which merc I should use to help deal with cold immunes

I am not sure if hurricane will do enough damage, I see it more like a small aid to a fury druid, but damage is very small…

Blizzard just made a post saying that this intended. I am not sure what they are thinking, but this is the actual death of an entire skill tree if this remains the same moving forward. I am in a bit of disbelief here and am not sure the developers are truly understanding the IAS mechanics of the game.


can you paste a link here please