Weapon disappeared from hand

I had The Oculus on my mainhand and it just disappeared after I logged off. Not in swap, cube, stash, storage, nowhere!! wtf? And didn’t sell it or anything, it just disappeared.

Character: DoubleD
Eu server
jarone #2330

this just happened to me as well. I just saved and exited and my main hand with an oculus slotted ist disappeared when I opened a new game.

Sorry to hear that. Nice find… but bad luck on whatever this is. Well lost items won’t be restored no matter how they were lost. Unless you get a server rollback (which is doubtful) then zero chance of getting it back.
I lost all my stuff cause of a bug on their side… after getting through to blizzard here is what they told me.

yea sucks that we lost the items just playing the game as intended. I would assume this isn’t going to be addressed as their primary focus is on server stability right now. Probably won’t ever get looked at. If this happens again, I would probably quit this game as a whole.