VV is brilliant!

Honestly, I just realized it now. Giving non ladder all the benefits of ladder only rewards makes ladder play less necessary. We don’t need ladder on open pending launch day. We don’t need to worry about how long ladder seasons will last. The non ladder will have more players which hopefully means better economy with cheaper prices.

If VV decides to add cosmetics or small permanent rewards like extra stash tabs etc, I would simply make a sorc or whatever character is best to speed through the game to achieve my goal(s) and then go right back to playing non ladder. There is no stress and no pressure. I love where this game is headed. It’s in great hands.

Yeah see, this is what I was getting at in my thread (It doesn’t HAVE to be cosmetics). I agree there would be variety and multiple options for long term play of D2. People could play Non Ladder until they get bored and decide to play a 3 - 4 month ladder for something exciting to do. Then go back to non-ladder, rinse repeat.

I just love the freedom to not be forced to play one mode over the other, because to me population is the most important factor for longevity. To my understanding, in current D2, most players play ladder as opposed to non ladder because of exclusive content ( not exclusive anymore), new season start (game just came out so it’s a fresh start) and the majority of active players are playing in ladder.

I really like how VV is handling this game. So far I am happy with the changes and look forward to more to come.

That’s why casuals like myself played ladder. I like the idea of 3 - 4 month ladders because it places more emphasis on NL being the “standard” game mode to choose. Ladder being more for incentives (minor ones). If one of the main incentives before was to get on the leaderboard, that’s irrelevant with the new name system. Who cares if Batman#4141 made it in the top 10. That’s why I suggested title perks to take back with you to NL chat channels.

Do you think Blizzard/VV will add that cool original Amazon armor aesthetics look as a cosmetic for the new seasonal ladder conquest? How cool would that be? Perhaps more to come for all other classes?

If its her naked corpse that’s a pretty good idea! Definitely better than nothing (unless someone would like to say why not). Good idea man, alternative naked corpses is a minor incentive that is appealing enough for people to grind after. Even if you don’t achieve it the first ladder, you can always try again the second ladder (so on and so forth). The key is to be subtle. When you add too many “cosmetics” you end up with over-saturated games with Fairy wings. (I’ve played over a handful of games where this ALWAYS happens).

I don’t remember who it was, but there was a video on YouTube that I saw that showed an image from the original D2 Amazon armor skin graphically enhanced. It looked really close to what the D2 Amazon looked like. I cant find that video now :frowning:

They could throw in her “younger” self as a ladder reward (unless that’s what you meant) :rofl: