Valkyrie bug with runeword Peace

The Peace runeword grants 2% Chance To Cast level 15 Valkyrie On Striking, but the Valkyrie dies instantly whenever any damage is taken. Moreover, moving to a new scene makes it disappear.


И этот постоянный крик Валькирии тоже очень нервирует. Она орет так что даже другие игроки в группе слышат ее неистовый рев.

I have the same Problem with Peace Runeword Armor. I know that the Runeword worked fine 3 Patches ago. But today i have the same issues as described by Jackie. Every summoned Valkyrie either died by one hit or disappear after 1 or 2 seconds without a reason. No second trigger summon or anything else. She´s gone.

And to Am6po3N~n - please write in English, because i can´t russian and so we can help you or understand if you posted a solution for this issue.


This is the Bug Report Forum. It’s for Blizzard’s QA Team to read and determine game bugs, then report it to the Developers. We (players) really have no business even posting here unless it’s to add information about the bug that is being reported.

Still, some of us (players) try to help out when we can. And, if you really want to help a player, you can always use: Google Translate.

I play Bowazons. Always have. I’m not sure if Peace is bugged or not. I know, for 21 years, Valkyrie (from Peace) NEVER lasted long unless I put hard Points into Valkyrie. (The more the better).

I had the same experience. It is annoying.