Unable to log in to switch after patch

i would like to ask is the switch server actually down most of the time? or servers just packed? i couldnt login for three days with continuous hours of trying

Apparently it is not resolved at all, noone seems to be able to connect on switch.
Do you have informations ?

Hey all,

We reopened our switch investigation. For some reason some players are unable to log in even when the server issues aren’t happening. We appreciate the reports. I’m going to move some similar reports into this thread to make sure folks see it.

Idk if they’re aware since there’s been no mention but everyday the switches servers have no access from 7am cst to around noon. Be nice to get some clarification as to why one console is being neglected so the others can get in. Didn’t I pay the same price as them?

I’m having and have had the same issue for 5 days now. Can play on PC when its up but haven’t been able to play switch which is where i would prefer to pay due to work.

Everyone keeps telling me its my issue and the servers are fine. If it were fine my character screen wouldn’t be blank and I would be able to hit the “online” button if it didn’t just time out and error saying unable to connect.

Same issue here. Thanks for a Blue Post to tell us what’s going wrong on the switch. No Battlenet Login 90% of the time.

The game is broken on switch no queue no new game possible, it says to check my internet access but it’s working fine !

can u fix your shxt? the queue does not move and not doing any better

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