Two options, delay the launch or launch it with Ladder

No, actually this is about the release in September.

then im sorry. was to …hasty

He’s talking about the launch next month.

does VV have problems with work scheduling and time pressure or where do these rumors come from ?

single player LOLOL. thats a good one!

The biggest mistake they can make is not launching Ladder Day 1 with the release.
Wc3R removed ladder and that was a HUGE reason it tanked hard.

Ladder or bust.

Ladder will launch at release weekend (friday) barring any sort of “open beta crashed servers because infrastructure is trash” situation. Keep in mind CM is not a dev. They are often not even employees of the company. With that in mind they often aren’t told the whole truth, half the truth or even a fraction of the truth by those who are really in control of the product. Until we see something official, posted in an official capacity (redditlol) i think there is nothing to worry about.

It is an official post by the community manager - not a rumor.

This isn’t true at all, as far as I’m aware.
Can you name one instance of this being true?
PezRadar is absolutely employed by Blizzard. That I can tell you as a matter of fact.

(if you’re speaking more generally about other small game companies, this is true, but in the context of Blizzard, this is not correct.)

Delay it and fix the game nobody wants to play classic d2 if lod is included
And fix tcpi too

thank you :slight_smile:

He has a w2? employee badge? pay stubs?

He’s certainly not a volunteer.

Why not give us a official release date to begin with though for ladder? Exactly what are they waiting on? Or they know the date its just that they don’t want people to stop preorders if they announced its a week or more past release of game?

Or they don’t know if there is going to be a f***up and how long will it take to fix it.

this is probably the case, given the fact blizzard has never had a smooth launch of any product.

Starcraft 2 was smooth wasn’t it? It was in my region of the world, anyways. Basically no server lag, always a game to be found, no major glitches to my memory…

Your point is well taken that Blizz has had some launch issues, but SC2 was a resounding success at launch.

I remember server stability issues for days after launch and i’m in NA. Granted they did fix it quickly, but it was not flawless or smooth day 1.

Look at WoW… has that game ever had a smooth xpac launch?

I wouldn’t go as far to say that we should delay the release… however we should definitely have a day1 ladder…

I would consider minor server issues to be pretty smooth. I probably played close to 100 matches on Day 1, and never had an issue. I was also in touch with dozens of other players on launch, not one of them complained, from all over the world.

I would describe Starcraft2 as having very minor issues on launch.