To those who Doubt D2

Diablo 2 is still and probably always will be the best arpg in existence (yes even after d4). Why because the team at blizzard north was nothing short of amazing. You can accept that now or find out later when the d2 remaster takes the action rpgs genre by storm. The game has more depth and replayability than any game on the market. It just has it all. Trading of any item in the game, pvp, 8 man co op, the best loot system ever made (resulting in a live trading market that can never die), Endless builds/Item combos, All items equip able by any class. Just to state a few. The team at blizz north literally made a masterpiece. Clunky? Haha these comments come from players who never made it past nightmare. There are tons of end game builds that are far from clunky and make pve and pvp fast paced and competitive. Unlike games such as POE where multiplayer literally has no point at all as well as pvp. D2 is the perfect mix of everything. As far as the bots go. With it being put on the new battle net client with updated protection they will be few and far between or even gone. D2 is an amazing game and doesn’t even need a remaster to still be great. Though giving the game some “pretty” graphics will for sure bring tons of new players to try it, and the game will explode when people realize what king of action rpgs is all about.

Always loved and respected a lot the boys of the blizzard north

Agree with the TE.
And I’m still sad that it didn’t work out with Hellgate London as “3D Diablo” :frowning:

You must never doubt Diablo II.

Amen bruhda. Diablo 2 is the greatest and the original Blizzard North crew were the A-Team.
Vicarious Visions is the reincarnation of Blizzard North. prepares hardhat and flak jacket

When all is said and done however, I sure wish I could use a Barbarian Helm on a Sorceress. :wink:

Not true. Grim Dawn is Diablo 2 with some extras.

It is and so does D2R. In the past I was sceptical about any Diablo 2 remaster, but VV literally chosen the best way to remaster the game, with original Diablo 2 running in fact and just putting the new, improved graphics on it, I’m 99,9% sure that this game will be sick.

I was so afraid of any remaster since I knew that current Diablo Team is all about Diablo 3, they don’t really have clue about D2 and so I was afraid that their main focus would be just better graphics and they wouldn’t care at all about itemisation of the game and other stuff so the game would lose all its depth.

What are you on bro?

I love D2 but it’s not that deep, especially compared to “any game on the market”.

PvP is pointless in game without player arbitration. I mean seriously there are games entirely based on PVP and have heavy PVP aspects that reward you with more than an ear and bragging rights.

That and you’re making a lot of promises on something you have no control of lol. Tone down the fanboy and maybe be realistic? I feel like if the game was released and was complete crap you’d still be here defending Bliz. spouting badly formed opinions as gospel.

yeah, op read a little too deep into the game, I played diablo 1 + 2 since i was like 4-5 years old (solid parenting) and i love it too but dam dude you swinging from their fuzzies a little hard

I agree, this game is state of the art but I think that some of it happened to hit the spot accidentally, like some builds ended up being good by player discovery and not intentionally! Some bugs give more depth to this game , while being unintended ended up being an awesome thing like bugged sox armor, cube it to add sockets and increase amount of defense with a chance to ruin it by getting wrong amount of sockets! And many more examples

fk old d2 all hail remastered d2r with personal loot

I love Diablo 2 but the worship about how it can never be topped is weird to me. In a strictly mechanical sense there are better ARPGs out there. I can be infinitely more creative and build more unique and interesting character builds in games like Grim Dawn (30-something possible dual class combinations) and Path of Exile (both also having a huge constellation system).

Diablo 2 was revolutionary at the time but compared to any modern ARPG it’s quite shallow. I still love it, that’s why I’m getting Resurrected and I’ll play and enjoy it.

For me, its mood and aesthetic is the thing that it still has going for it, since no ARPG since has managed to recreate it.

I find PoE far more shallow. I play it, but there is so much illusion of choice and pseudo-depth in PoE it’s ugly. I hope PoE2 does a far better job of creating real customization and fun, without the illusion of choice and unneeded pseudo-complexity of their stat tree.

Grim dawn has guns and feels steampunk. Totally different/worse atmosphere, the game just fits weird.

I’m a huge D2 fan but I need to pull back here

Saying “will always be” is quite a statement. Grim Dawn got very, very close (imo) to eclipsing D2 in terms of every metric except storytelling… could just never get into the story of the game. Outside of that though… Class depth potentially better, skill system is better but it also was worse in terms of items, class fantasy, and skills.

ARPG… probably. I could make an argument for Grim Dawn but the atmosphere just doesn’t make me care enough, lol. Any game on the market… bold statement and I’d say no by a long shot. Other genres just bring more depth in general than ARPGs

Clunky, I think, is usually aimed at the graphics/movement engine which was just a result of age more than an inherent flaw of the game itself.

It really did need a remaster to some degree because getting it to run on PCs was just an annoyance. It was beginning to show it’s age finally in the last 5 years I feel so glad to see the facelift for certain.

Same… I REALLY liked the classes of the game but the repetitive scenery started grating at me after awhile. Still… was sad when my lifetime membership ended, heh

Diablo 4 is already doomed. Probably going to fall harder than Diablo 3. I mean, tehuhuh, sorceress turning into a lightning ball? Druid becoming bear and man back and forth, wolf and man back and forth? Riding horses?! Rogues going into dimensions?? What?! Even fortnight generations aren’t going to find that appealing.

mm…? It is. eh?? Oh, you’re upset.

lol k.

need more letters