Throw Melee a Bone for Patch 2.5

Blizzard, can you please throw us melee characters a bone with Patch 2.5? The introduction of Sundered Charms only widens the gap between caster and melee builds.

As completing a balance pass on Uniques seems unlikely, I urge the developers to consider making an adjustment to Superior Weapons. Example is +100 to +300 Attack Rating instead of the laughable +1 to +3. The additional AR on Superior Weapons would go a long way to help melee builds with Terror Zones. You could also do a modest bump in Enhanced Damage as shown below…

Superior Weapons

  • +100-300 Attack Rating
    • Current: +1-3 Attack Rating
  • +10-50% Enhanced Damage
    • Current: +5-15% Enhanced Damage

Yes please.

Combat classes could really benefit from more sources of raw Attack Rating instead of having to collect a bunch of +AR charms, or wear Angelic rings and amulet.


Agreed, especially with the new TZ content.

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Grief is the solution to all of your problems.

I support the boost to attack rating as you have it.

I would vary on the ED side of things, because I think all elite weapons need a base damage increase of 50%, so I’d be fine to leave it as up to 15% on top of that for superior. Increasing the base damage improves both uniques and runewords to provide potential alternatives to Grief.

I think these changes would be simple and quick to implement, too. Devs, please do this. Thank you.


The added AR would be a welcome addition for TZ’s and should be quick to implement.

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