This is actually pathetic

Agree I’m crashing constantly it’s unreal.

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Already fairly geared and no point wasting effort for loot you cant trade, IMO. Been playing SP off and on since the golden years of D2 ended.

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While I do understand everyone’s frustration on this problem, the more you all dwell over the problem that you have no control over, the more angry you’re going to get over it. Find another way to pass the time while the issues are fixed.

Don’t let your anger consume you, or your journey to the dark side will be complete. :stuck_out_tongue:


nah were just getting the classic experience, including all its bugs that got never fixed, only forgotten


Have you seen the people they hire? Earlier I literally saw some “tech analyst at blizzard” posting LITERAL communist propaganda, talking about how capitalism was terrible, and posting a bunch of political sjw trash. Do you really think these people they are hiring are at ALL interested in making these games the best for gamers because they themselves are gamers? No, those people all left blizzard many many years ago when corporate greed took over, and this is the result. Pretty sad honestly, this is really unacceptable on so many levels.


These same issues existed over a month ago in the Beta tests.

They fixed nothing in the past 30 days.

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Lobby need a LOT of work… Chat / Friends / Party / Lobby… This is a pain in the a**.

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To be honst, I had one crash in Beta, and since then it runs perfect. Really perfect. No issues at all.

That I will agree on.
What is really terrible is that you click on a game, you want to see what players inside, and then the game just “puff” vanishes and is gone. Event if you had it clicked, the name is not even longer in the display of the field where you enter text.

In the original it stayed in there, so you could still join.

Well yeah it sucks that games come out so broken now.

But if complaining about it made companies stop doing it, they would have stopped doing it already.

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problems and bugs here and there (some of them presents and reported in beta so what they were doing?) but nothing really not solvable with a little work. Mainly sort games in lobby by creation time

But disconnect servers and then roll back the last 10/15 levels?? make character dissappear even for a short time without a f*** sun-bright lighning red flashing ALL CAPS announce???

You can always count with blizzard incompetence


Lol exactly my thoughts. Have no idea and no transparency of what they are going to do about it

Except that with Blizzard, it’s this:

" I would like to buy this car"

“Yeah sure, here you go. That’s a old car with a nice polish, but it’s very expensive!”

“Why is my car always broke or not working?”

“Please have patience THEY are working on a resolve” say some fans of the brands, while there is almost nothing from the AAA company.

The beta was more stable for me by the way…


You got it backwards.

“Because you accept that, its meta for 30 year gaming companies to release broken products.”

** double fixed

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this is sparta no this is beta !

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It is even painful to read such posts =) I’ve started a single players character for this being one of the reasons. And even there are minor issues, that can make you uncomfortable, but mostly seem fine. Not even think about playing online mode, seems no reason at all so far for me, even if the game was stable.

Guess Ive been lucky - only one crash to main menu so far, played like 15 hours.

Yep, us AVX issue people have moved from the game not launching at all to it black screening and generating a crash code. WOOO Progress! Maybe by Thanksgiving we’ll be able to play the game on PC like we want to. My desktop absolutely can run this 20 year old game and the fact that they let such an oversight happen is unacceptable and I will continue to complain about it until they get a fix in place that lets those of us who HAVE STILL YET TO LAUNCH THE PC CLIENT ACTUALLY BE ABLE TO PLAY THE GAME WE PURCHASED.

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Rome wasn’t built in a day