This event is dumb

Funny that you mention PoE I personally think (and that’s my opinion obv.) if you’d remove like half the :poop: they have as endgame like delve and stuff and put it in to d2r both games would be 1000% better. And what I’ve just seen from D4 looks like Diablo immoral too me the only positive being not facing guys with 20000+$$$$$ gear in PvP. Literally a Lost Ark wannabe mobile game for INSERT SOMETHING HERE… soooo hopefully they don’t let d2r drop like a wet sack of potatoes.

Lmao +50% gold find. Game going in poor direction since Sunder Charms.

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haha i cant believe today buff only 50%? jeezz, i instant close d2r when i see that, total wasted time. come on blizz give something more exciting, so many game out there, why i should choose 50% GF to play again

The memes here are really good :+1:

50% more gold find so we all run travincal and get banned :rofl:

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i think may be they only care about D4 right now D:

Make a day where Diablo clones form in every game after just 1 minute and then repeatedly every 2 minutes- and have the Diablo clone drop really cool level 90 loot like the Grandfather sword or the Griswald set stuff that never drops. Oh and drop high runes too! That would be cool! Bliz should hire me Man i am genius - no wonder I promoted to an NCO in the Marines - I’m good at war and combat excitement and game ideas 2

Die Events in Diablo waren schon immer nicht sonderlich gut ausgereift.

unfortunately i don’t think you become a marine because you are smart, usually the exact opposite.

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