The one pragmatic reason why /players x is never happening online

It wouldn’t change a thing for the people that already struggle to find the items and those that don’t struggle would just see the prices going down even faster.

It’s funny that you say that, because it’s you, the /pX beggars, who are short-sighted and egoistic with your begging for /pX. You only want it for your short-term enjoyment and you don’t care that you kill the multiplayer with it.

Just play offline. Nobody bothers you there, you can have /pX and you can adjust/cheat your game however you want.

So get your selfworth from somewhere else. It’s pathetic that you need to showoff in a 23 year old game to feel good and don’t claim that you just want to help, because your statements and actions clearly show that you only care about bragging rights.

I recommend you not to discuss it with those guys… they are delusional.
Unfortunately you only play HC and that’s not on my agenda for the next 2-3 seasons.

I’m sure a lot of players would like the idea of “testing” things like that…

Makes a lot of sense to move your “tests” to a slower online environment as an attempt to save time. Everyone knows that offline is faster in every possible way especially when it comes to testing builds and gear (Hero Editor).

Some 5 year old children are better at lying than you.

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Ahh who is really the greedy one. Someone who wants to stop a marginalized and speculative assumption of making items easier to find, or people who want to cut out negativity in game. Its just facts. Do not blame me for bots i have nothing to do with that

I like earning what i got. You are using words i said and applying it to concepts you dont understand, just sad you could be this compulsive about it and still assert that you take your opinion seriously

It takes alot of patience and dedication to hit 99. Im not showing off, i have schizophrenia so im chemically indifferent to enjoyment towards sadism or superiority

Hardcore is unappealing to the majority of players

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Sure, tell that to yourself. You already showed your true colours.

Sure, I’m greedy because I can do math. :rolleyes:

I don’t blame you for bots, but they are the reality and /pX will make their impact even bigger and people who struggle to find a shako or HR, will still struggle with /pX feature, because they can’t clear higher counts efficiently and don’t grind enough for the increased dropchance.

Sounds more like you are using words that you don’t understand, but I won’t bother with you anymore.

welcome to my ignorelist troll :slight_smile:

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Not even sure how being sarcastic here applies to anything that was said. You reviewed the evidence of people being toxic if you have not you need to be quiet until you are.

First you say its bots then you say it would drive the community apart. What story are you going to make up in the next 15 minutes. You dont grind enough to understand xp or drop chance

You should just avoid everything that you are wrong talking about honestly, getting upset and insulting me doesnt help you

Not suprised by your troll comment, totaly expected. So you didnt dissapoint.

But no I am not lying.

Yes offline is faster and you can use hero editor, but i preferably wanted to play online so i dont have to waste like 50 hours just testing something without getting anything from it but data. I consider it as waste. Online I could atleast use items for nonladder later, give it free or what ever. So i thought it would be more usefull to do it there.

Okay, 1 last reply to you.

You are not the one to tell anybody to be quiet.

I’m sorry that you lack the intelligence to differentiate between different actions and causes and different statements and coutnerstatements.

You made the statement that /pX would make people that are currently reliant on bots less reliant, which is a false statement. That’s what I told you and it has nothing to do with the other statement that it will kill pub games and reasons to play together.

Believe or not, changes can have more than 1 negative impact.

ROFL. Understanding XP or drop chance has nothing to do with grinding. But actually YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND XP or drop chances. Because you have to grind 3 days without sleeping and still have only stories to tell and no facts for your p8 begging. While I have 4x 99 chars in D2R, casually playing.

Nah I just need to avoid trolls like you :slight_smile: Won’t miss your whiny topics how everybody else is harassing you.

Hopefully the last this time not the 3rd or 4th last again, if you want to insult people when you cant make a good point you should not speak in the first place

I am especially if im speaking to someone who puts their fingers in their ears and goes lalalala when they cant get their way

Bots have already drove the cost of jah down to 24 fg People having more autonomy over finding their own gear instead of using fg or other sources would be better. However, then make it a boot option to just stop the terror zone meltdown tantrums instead of a pX option. Its not an economics problem its a convulsive player problem. Like i said i have way more experience about this and i offered you a chance to prove it and you have backed down repeatedly.

I showed the vods of the tantrums, i offered to show you my characters and screenshots of my placing but you are too scared to cope with reality or something? Grinding the game is experience…Like learning explain to me how you do not understand what learning is?

I mean i would avoid me too, You probably would of never said anything to me in person but you are hiding on the internet. Id like to focus on developing and supporting the community, you seem to just make everything about you which is not allowed. Sorry i wish you luck and you come to your senses

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Following your logic I have was never multi-accounting either, I was just “testing” things online and used the results of my “tests” instead of wasting it.

Irrelevant. You are trying too hard to look good while acting like a hypocrite.

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yet to prove you have a single 99 character as well

Except you werent testing anything and you know it lol. Nothing like me who actualy wanted to do it for research. Not to mention I will not in the end, while you multiboxed. :slight_smile:

To this day i never run two instances of D2R.

I am not trying anything. I provided explanation because he commented on it. Stating my reasons why. But i was aware that people like you will be commenting with some BS responses and accusations. Nothing new here on forums.

Then you would do it offline where it is easier to do “research” and “tests”.

You are not doing it for research, you are doing it for the online drops. You are a liar and a hypocrite who tries too hard to look good.

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I also already explained that. What i said is true. You you only falsely accusing me based on your twisted logic. I am only intetested in normal conversation about the topic. Looks like its impossible to have reasonable discussion with you anymore because of your trolling so welcome to my ignore list.

Edit: i dont need multiboxing for increased loot, i can join public games for that just fine. But getting loot wasnt the reason why multibox as i already explained before.

What you said is a blatant lie that only a monkey with 50 or lower IQ would believe.

You are putting in extra work to do your “research” in a slower multibox environment instead of the faster “offline” environment for the drops. There is no other reason than the drops.

In your opinion solo players shouldn’t benefit from extra online /pX drops but your own rules don’t seem to apply to hypocrites like you. By your definition the fruits of your experiments are ill-gotten so no one should benefit from them. “They belong to offline mode” as someone like you would say.

Anyway, people like you are only bragging about giveaways to look good, in practice you probably drop only trash that no one wants. No need to brag about charity or philanthropy, it only makes you look worse. There is something fake about people with verbal pseudo-moralistic stances and most people can smell it.


No evidence of broken game design there at all…

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steps into thread

Hey guys, I hope we can have a rational dis-

backs out of thread quietly


Here is a good starting point to think about the problems with D2’s multiplayer design:

Players in a “split MF” game are essentially playing their own solo games in separate Acts so they should face the same difficulty and get the same rewards as a solo player. The benefits of multiplayer games (for example higher clear speed and/or more loot/hour) should come from genuine cooperation, helping each other.

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And now, game design is bad, we got it, you wrote it a million time. So now what? What will change by you saying the game design is bad and calling everyone sadist, psychopaths and antisocial? What will change?
Keep mention that D2 MP has a bad gamedesign that doesn’t make it bad for many people. If it would be oh so bad you wouldn’t play it.
Just accept that the devs decided that there will never be /pX online. Facts!
You saying that the game has a bad design will not stop the other people from playing it.
I like it, many others too. Bad design or not.


I don’t play “split MF”, almost no one does. I don’t have to engage with all aspects of a video game.

I can create as many posts on game design as I please whether you like it or not.

I don’t care. Facts!

I can get things my way with or without online /pX.