The one pragmatic reason why /players x is never happening online

I guess you have a very casual understanding of what “antisocial” means. In this context the meaning of “antisocial” isn’t “someone who plays D2 alone”. That situation would be a dream come true for the whole playerbase.

What I mean on “antisocial” is someone looking for abusive interactions: trolls, sadists, psychopaths. D2 multiplayer design enables such interactions (like one sided hostile, inability to ban players from games) while most other video games don’t. If you support such design you are obviously one of those online trolls/sadists who benefit from that design.

The average player spends most of its playtime farming. Yet, you won’t see many public “split MF” games because they suck. You claim to love interactions so much, I wonder what makes you prefer the “split” nature of those games over multiplayer design that rewards close cooperation…

There is nothing antisocial about avoiding game modes that suck.

Everyone is greedy to some degree, some are more greedy than others, almost all living species are greedy. Tempting people and rewarding them for leaning towards their dark side will not result in fun interactions with strangers. Environments like that suck and avoided by most. It’s a good recipe for failed online game modes.

Grabbing items from others isn’t fun (at least for most people). Even if I resisted the temptation and let others grab everything it wouldn’t make me feel good about “farming” in a game like that, it would be like working for nothing.

Close cooperation is punished, that’s why split MF is a thing. Players shouldn’t be able to get more loot/hour than in solo by doing split MF which is pretty much playing solo in separate acts. It’s the nonsense multiplayer drop system that makes it possible - one of the many things that are wrong with D2 multiplayer design.

7 accounts are used for maxing out drops in farming runs. Your intentions are way too obvious.

8 or more accounts can be beneficial for dclone farming and high volume trading. Other use cases require only 1-2 alt accounts.

32GB RAM is ideal for 3 accounts. 7-8 accounts result in heavy memory swapping, huge performance penalties and occasional crashes even with 48GB RAM, the ideal setup is 64GB. 6-7GB per D2R instance along with a decent amount of extra RAM for the operating system, caching and other applications like web browser.

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