The Issue isn't "removing immunes", its HOW your doing it

the simplest way to do this i posted here

make it so all monsters are capped at 95% and anyone above it is extra ( just like a players character have over stack resistances
change how the 1/5th penalty applies
if a monster relatively would be immune ( aka over 100% then make any - skill based)
make that penalty take effect AFTER they bright it down to 95% instead of above 100%

and then have facets and gear have full effect last.

if you have a infinty (-85) ( or cold mastery or lower resist but were using infinty for this example)
and -20 from gear
and the monster has 110 resist
the first 15 bring it down to 95%

then reamining 70 from infinity now gets 1/5th

bringint it from 95% to
then your fire facts bring it from 81 to 61%

if u didn’t have infinity
your fire facets would bring it from 110% to 90% flat

if the monster had 98% resistance… its not immune so infinity would function at full efftiveness as it does now, as would your facets (which they normally wouldn’t so still a massive buff)

its a still a buff… its still removes immunties… but it doesn’t go to "what was once immune is now - at 110 or 180 to
-10 fire resist

THATS the difference

the difference between 61% and -10% is massive on a fully geared character

especially when considering cold mastery