The current D2 installers

Patching Classic Games - Blizzard Support (

Sorry for the long delay…
A gentle reminder, if you have not done this already…

When you start any of the installers, let them get to the point where they have downloaded the game and when a window opens asking you if you wish to install the game. Stop there. Exit out of that installation window. Do not install the game.

Do the same with LOD. Now, you will always have a copy of the actual install files for both games rather than depending on the installers. Keep a copy of these roughly 1.5gb and 1gb files in case you need to reinstall.

OShogun’s link has both Windows and Mac patch links. Awesome!

:alien: :dolphin:

Thanks, I’ll give that a try!

I’m glad I still have the game on CD with the new installer and the new 24 digit CD keys