Thank you for the wide screen fix

this is 32:9 and im sure less than 1% of ppl use this for gaming^^

You need to stop spam posting the same copy/pasted message everywhere.

ok so just limit it to 4:3 monitors dont allow more than 20 fps and every resolution greater than 800x600 is forbidden… And dont allow macros or gaming gear…
Internet must not be faster than a 56k modem…


None of those things break the game like Ultrawides, stop it.

Devs had all the eternity (read: 20 years) to solve the problems with range, distances, visibility, PvP and all required calculation in that matter. As always in Blizzard they did nothing. They released Alfa with full support not only for 21:9 but also for 32:9. As 21:9 widescreen user that was confirmation for me the game will be fully supported in this resolution. I pre-purchased the game. Yesterday we get beta with 2 black bars slapped over still rendered terrain, without any notice. And couple guys on any possible topic in this forum writing elaborates about how it will break the game to use widescreen monitor. Noone knows about it earlier? Wasn’t it a part of the job to make this 20 years old game compatible with modern hardware? Including widescreen monitors? Rewrite what is needed to support it? This beta is a shame! I really want to see blue post about it along with the plans how to solve it. Black bars are unacceptable!!!

Just refund. U may have to wait upto 28 days nut vote with your wallet. If lotsnof people refund coz of this issue that will speek louder then the people who cryed about UW in the 1st place.

if reddit is mad about it, then this change must be the best change in a whole millenium.

If u want to have wide screen giving huge adventage go play solo campaign, when I join your realm I want to kill you without you seeing me from China. EZZZ