Terrorized Mephisto

Is terrorized Mephisto’s drop table bugged? I can’t seem to find a definitive answer. Some say that there was a stealth hotfix last season to make Mephisto drop loot from a higher treasure class when terrorized, but I’ve also seen people as recent as 2 weeks ago saying the bug is back. Unless I’m just misremembering, it feels like I haven’t seen any items drop with a TC higher than Mephisto’s normal loot table, but I could either be unlucky or misremembering it. Can anyone confirm whether it is bugged or not?

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Yes, TZ Meph is bugged both online and offline due to a typo in his treasure classes. It was briefly fixed online during the 22 Nights of Terror event but it broke again after 2.6 where they probably used the old treasureclassesex.txt by accident.

Do you have an official source for that? Or is this just your feelings on the matter?
Considering the game is about doing something ten thousand times for a reasonable chance… my first guess for OP would be - its not bugged, you just haven’t done it enough.

Well considering these dev’s special power to reïntroduce bugs just after fixing them it could very well be reïntroduction (and definitely not the first time they did that).

Yes, the .txt data files the game uses.

Official source that this is the cause of the bug… yknow, by the actual company maybe?

i mean, blizzard isn’t going to say anything. but the .txt files are very easy to read if u know the formatting. its not something that’s really up for debate unless its different server side.

there have been bugs in the code which have been found and documented for 15 years that would only take something like deleting and erroneous “1” in row 250 Column XY if skills.txt ( bug in fury being interruptible despite skill description saying otherwise)

or other cases where the skill description flat out is not what the skill has at all

it may sound complex… but most of blizzard skill and item data is outside of the game code itself in easily readable .txt files.

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