Terror Zone will make 99 WAY TOO EASY if Monster Levels are not nerfed/adjusted

Yeah the only 99 I’ve ever gotten was during the 1.09 Cow Level farming era. It took many cow runs to achieve this, but wasn’t nearly as bad as the Baal run era has been.

not possible…minimum mlvl has to be 93 to net worthy experience at lvl 98

physical resistance from all mobs is already at 30-50% in hell difficulty(at least for most enemies)…only few are bellow 30%(you can view all of that on arreatsummit)

curse block is a different story but basicly melee would still steamroll enemies even without curse…unlike bosses enemies…thrash ones dont have a good block rate 10-35% for most of them…thats way bellow bosses which has 50-55% block

edit: bosses block rate is way excessive just to say…thrash mobs should have 10-20% while bosses have 30-35%

  1. when I meant by setting the resistances to 30% is that in NO way could they be reduced.
    So mobs would have 30% lightning res - even if next to a conviction aura. This would really challenge many of the meta lightning builds.

Most of the deadliest builds involve forcing enemy monster to the negative resistance territory - if you remove that power the enemies become tankier, but not unkillable.

  1. IF you look at the game files, you could rewrite the mlvl file ONLY In the attack rating formula line - i.e. the monster is STILL 98, but ONLY for the attack rating function line, would they be 87. Its possible, but would require adjusting the code for these monsters.

if you mean ele resistances…your basicly killing cold sorc in that regard…lightning still be performing quite well even without conv…especially vs non-bosses enemies…and they retain static field

in regard to melee ar and enemies block…those should be rework if you ask me instead of touching the mlvl i’d go for whole scale

100% ar for say would be like 45% successfull hits vs an enemy like baal which block 55% of incoming attacks…melee dmg get halved with no way around block(except for smite//spell cast)

also just to note…negative resist is not the big hurdle…its the above positive that is

example…Meph has 75% cold resist…10k cold dmg for say gets reduce to 2.5k
but negative -100% would only power up that 10k to 20k
aka quad dmg boost by setting his resists to cold to 0…but only goes up to double dmg if negative 100

To those who are against terror zones. Don’t do it? I on the other hand am excited for a reason to go into a part of the game I had no reason too over the last 19 years.


The Baal run crowd is upset that there is a new way to farm and level up. 10+ years of nonstop Baal runs just hasn’t been enough for them, and they feel threatened that Terror Zones will create new excitement resulting in many more people hitting 99 as a result.


I dunno about “killing” the cold sorc - it would be the WEAKER element for sure (heaven forbid that this build now A-tier! – ONLY in terror zones). But blizz can still hit for 12k damage with good gear (reduced to about 8k with my mod).

I fully understand how -res works and that going to -100% really amplifies damage. I came up with this fundamental change to buff TZs while forcing the creation of an ENTIRELY new “meta” that can be used to farm TZs that would be less optimal when farming OTHER areas.

If monsters has a minimum of 30 resistances (physical, magic, poison, cold, lightning, fire) that could not be reduced - MANY of the meta builds would be weakened compared to their B-tier counterparts.

Poison necro via D web, Corpse explosion (with amp damage/conviction), assassin with death sentry, wind druid, FOH (against animals), Cold/lighting sorc, tesladin, are ALL taken down a notch. The big “meta” winners would be melee builds/firebuilds.

This is just MY strategy in making TZs harder (as opposed to just buffing monster HP) as its far more INTERSTING. That being said - I’m open to other methods of making them more “terrifying”

Furthermore, I know that there will be big attack rating issues for melee characters in TZs (especially in public games when joining one made by a player higher level than you). So my strategy was to get at the heart of the issue and add a mathematical cap to the “player/(player +monster)” aspect of the equation in the code to ensure it doesn’t get outta hand. Other methods are also viable - but just unnecessary.