Spearzon better or javazon?

I have seen javazon clear cow fast but some immune elite they cannot clear. I have tested spearzon multiple times. Even with physical and lightning immune my spearzon still can clear it. What is your opinion?

For cows, especially on a higher player count, I felt my spearzon speed lacking compared to javazon. It does feel great taking out light immunes easily though. But I really enjoy the spearzon more so than javazon everywhere else. It feels great to clear it all quickly and without stragglers. And man it is soooo nice when you drop Bosses in a hit or two. Iā€™m a big fan of the spearzon.

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Same here. Great fan of spearzon too :rofl:

I think infinity-wielding spearzon will be awesome with pretty much any terror zone. 99 here I come!