Solving summon doorways, Maggot lair, and AS

Meant to post this here dang it. I’ve recently been sticking extra points into bonespear, none into mages as they’re too squishy on hell and get in the way with the dumb skelli AI. Summon a golem behind the group bonespear the F out of them until you get some bodies then switch to corpse explosion for the real dam. This has solved doorways, maggot lair, and AS for me. If you add in revives and spam cast the dead bodies up to take care of the front line before exploding all the corpes I’ve found this augmented build at level 70+ wayyyy more efficient than a pure fishy. Helps to have insight and FCR built in.

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…Or just buy a teleport staff (if you don’t already have Enigma, which I’m assuming you don’t) to keep all of your minions in line. Makes Maggot Lair and Arcane Sanctuary so much less awful.


I mean sure if I happen to run into one, I’m not going to go out of my way for it tho. Legit all you need to do is bone the lead of the pack and down him then CE takes care of the rest. I’ve still got 2 respecs left I’m focusing on finding HR’s. I had enigma in ladder back in the day and, tbh, I may keep it like this since he is slapping so hard. There’s always that delay and this improves clear speed.

You don’t really have to go out of your way. Some of the vendors sell them with fair frequency.

I terror on doorways, works fine. Only exception is maggot lair, but that is done and never going back there.


I got a Spellsteel on switch for Teleport, but quite honestly I just avoid Maggot/Arcane once they’re cleared. I have found that once you get a body, Corpse Explosion cleans house as usual.

1 point in Terror and/or 1 point in Attract are also very useful tools for getting monsters out of doorways.

I’ll give a contrarian view, doorways are my favorite right now. I cast a fire golem in the room and sit back. He Argos everything with his aura and they start swarming the door. This bunches then up on the other side of the door for CE.

The main key is don’t run in the room and try to get your boys in the room as well. If you want that Telly into the room. Cast someone into the room to Agro it and group them on the other side of the door.

I’ve been running the tombs and this works well.