Solid Class Changes for Patch 2.5

I guess this is just me, but I like the fear effect on Grim Ward. Slow means they don’t run away fast enough to bother me. I do wish it didn’t require a corpse though.

Most auras grant % AR, so I’m not sure about this change. Often flat AR is better than % AR, maybe it’s different for Golems, but I’d like some number crunching to support that idea before supporting the change.

Definitely support this change though. Hydra isn’t powerful enough to justify an 80 point investment (20 Hydra, 20 Fire mastery, 20 Fire Bolt, and 20 Fire Ball). However, a 60 point investment would be pretty good for where it is.

I don’t think either of those changes work very well for Thunder Storm.

The number one problem for Thunder Storm is that it doesn’t proc often enough. It needs to be at least twice, and preferably three times as often. Maybe the best way to accomplish this would be to allow Faster Cast to apply to Thunder Storm. It doesn’t even need to use break points. Just take the current timer for Thunder Storm (proc every X seconds), and change it to X/(2*Faster Cast Rate). That way 100% Faster Cast would proc twice as fast, and 150% faster Cast would proc 3 times as fast.

The second problem for Thunder Storm is the randomness of the target. Maybe make it so it always strikes the monster closest to the player. That gives it a sort of defensive aspect, and also makes flavorful sense. The light bolt from the Thunder Storm around the player always strikes the nearest target. It would make Thunder Storm / Static Field a viable if quirky build option, and synergize well with an Enchant Sorceress, an Inferno Sorceress, a Frost Nova/Nova Sorceress, and even with a Blaze sorceress.

Agreed, though the comparison I’d make is to Armageddon. It’d be a nice way to make the Fireball/Meteor build able to deal with Fire Immunes.

My suggested changes are slightly different:
Small changes to skills for each class - PTR Feedback - Diablo 2 Resurrected Forums (

I hope the developers are willing to make some small balance changes to continue opening up new builds.