Skill synergies need a hard points cap

About immunities. Probably it would be better if they were not… or maybe just some unique elites… not sure haven’t deeply tought about it.

Some guy posted an interesting idea making “immune fire,etc” monsters rather have like 20% absorb fire + 50 fire res, not immune. So they would be killable, but not efficiently. I liked the idea. Of course cold sorc would own everything in that case…

adding absorb just means there will be an even greater need for lower resistance debuffs…

Yes and no. You would not need stuff that breaks immunity, just -% res on items. No need for Conviction, Lower res to break.

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Better just nerf synergies to the ground (max 1-2% per synergie) and improve (buff) skill scaling with diminishing returns ater 30-40lvl how @Slomo4shO said.

Immunites are not the problem, synergies are.


Actually immunities are also the problem. They were introduced along with synergies. It went from diversity of builds to just 1 skill end game and still being restricted to 2/3 of zones in Hell until you ended up with an Infinity…

Because Blizzard, in their infinite wisdom, though what better way to prevent bots than to have runes be the primary meaning of progression? Because it’s the only thing in the game that solely relies on number of players in game to improve drop rates… :rofl:

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