Single player doesn’t work

Hi guys- last week I was on single player when the power in my house went out. When I tried logging back in with a character, it says “failed to join game” every time. I tried even creating a new character, uninstalling, nothing. Can any one help me out here??

I really wish that Blizzard would make an auto backup system for this issue.
When playing Single Player, you should make a backup file often and save it to a thumb drive or something. Offline likes to corrupt your save files during bad crashes and power outages.

When your save file corrupts, that character will no longer show in the character list. If you have trouble starting games with other characters, your shared stash is corrupted. So you have to go into the save file directory, and delete your shared stash file in order to load other characters up.

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If you use Windows FileHistory for backups, you’ll have to manually add the C:\Users\username\Saved Games\ folder in your user account for it to keep backups of it automatically. By default, FileHistory doesn’t back up this folder. If something happens, you can go and restore the most recent version of the character files before the power outage.

Use a drive for your backups other than your main system drive. Too often do I see people trying to back up their data to the same drive. :stuck_out_tongue: External hard disk drives are cheap and work just fine for backup/data storage purposes… Just don’t try to install any games on them, because they will run like complete :poop:.

Another tip, is to buy a battery backup ups that you plug your pc, modem, and monitor into so that when the power goes out or surges, you have time to save and exit properly.

Report a bug. It’s trivial from programing point of view to create bak files before any update of the character file. If main file is corrupt then restore from the bak. Also … laptop and backup battery on desktop are useful.

A good tip, however a desktop gaming rig that can run D2:R, you’ll need a 1500VA UPS minimum, which are a bit pricey. A gaming laptop on the other hand would be fine with a much cheaper 600VA UPS… Plus, the laptop has a battery and all. You could use the 600VA UPS to keep the modem and router running. :slight_smile:

Also, cheaper UPS units have an artificial sine wave generator, which can be harmful to some equipment, mainly equipment that is already pushing their power supplies to the limit. Desktop systems are usually OK as long as you aren’t pushing the wattage draw on your PSU to the limit.

I have a 550 VA on mine currently, and never had an issue. Had the power flicker a few times in here with no problems while playing D2R online. I used to have another for my gaming consoles, but had to toss it last year when the battery died. Need to pick up a couple of new ones someday.

As for my PC draw, I have a 1.5 year old HP pre-built Omen. They are built to consume lower wattage, though don’t have the best air management in the case, so if I run above 1440p, fans go nuts.

I’ve always built my computers, I’ve had very good luck doing so. I figure the max power draw of the system, double it, and round up to the wattage power supply available. :slight_smile:

I’ve built systems for many people, not one of them have had any issues with parts randomly failing, power supplies going out, system crashes, etc… Good solid clean power is the first crucial step to a happy system.

Power supplies are typically most efficient running between 30 and 80% draw anyway.

When I lived down south, I used a local PC builder store that was great. Now in a small town, harder to do, especially at the height of the pandemic when I bought this one.

Anyways, I still wish Blizzard would acknowledge this issue, as it’s a pretty common one, that has been bug reported multiple times.


Yep. Kinda got derailed there, a good conversation though.

Agreed. Back it up Blizzard!

There are ways to manually or automatically do it though… :slight_smile:


Agreed, hope the crash/blackout single player corruption issue gets fixed.

Original D2 was basically bulletproof in this regard where it was nearly impossible to get corrupted saves, so it’s a bit disappointing that this happens in D2R.

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