Season 5 - Calling for Well Deserved Nerfs

the only reason cold damage shreds some mobs is because you can reduce them to -100 resistance. Because a lot of monsters in hell don’t have high cold res. If you want -195 cold resistance from the cold mastery skill you still need to invest about 15-16 hard points into mastery were normally you’d invest 1 and allow gear to bring you to the desired - res. Those points come from somewhere, and that somewhere is hard points into blizzard synergies.

My question would be, why bother? If the goal is to make Blizzard as strong as possible just do that and skip the cold immunes.

oh, and btw, I saw your original post reply. You said you’d pretty much agree with everything the OP said. Funny, cause you are the OP. Are you really so in your own head that you can’t keep your own posts straight, or maybe, you prop up yourself with yourself.

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I was referring to CM being overpowered and agreeing with Mizzo’s thoughts.

What he means that before Sunder charms, immunities were… the only challenge in the game.

Javazon is OP? Sure, but she needed Infinity + Enigma + Griffon to make her work.
Hammerdin is OP? Sure, but he needs Enigma and a bit of other stuff.

Now with Sunder charm, which let me remind you are one of the most common items in the game, cold sorc can turn all immunities into almost -100% res with just a skill (meanwhile Infinity that costs 2 Bers is nerfed, Lower Resist is nerferd, but Cold Sorc skills works with 100% effectiveness).
So 4 hour taxi to level 80 & terror zones + sunder charm that is basically free, is all she needs to solo p8 tz. In end game sure, some builds are stronger than her, but those need some involvement, time, and work. Cold sorc has autowin button, and she can solo everything after 4 hours of playing and 0 cost. That is completely unbalanced and unfair towards other builds.


c1nascimento, well said.

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You’ve exaggerated most every talking point you have to near absurdity.

Immunes were the only challenge in the game? Said no 1 to a hammerdin for what? decades? I wouldn’t even call them a challenge, more an annoyance that pigeon holed players into doing some things over other.

Javazon doesn’t need enigma make her work. She’s just that much better when you do. I’m pretty sure my buddy with neither infinity or griffons is killing cows as fast as I am, it sure feels like it.

I’m not even going to comment on your last paragraph. If it’s like you say, take the 4 hours and build this over powered sorc in HC and come show me how easy you made the game.

You see you can’t even put a single contrargument against Sorc being THAT op. Because you know she is.

Hammerdin at least needed Enigma and stuff like HOTO to make him work.
And he got nerfed a bit, since in terror zones there are more magic immunes, and sunder charms don’t really benefit him, while they do other casters.
And yes, he was top3 or top2 most OP class, but he was just surpassed by cold sorc.

Javazon kinda does need enigma, because you need teleport in many locations to be efficient. Otherwise she has to pump a lot of FRW, while sorc has teleport for free. And she still needed Infinity & Griffon.

HC or PVP is a different topic entirely, we are talking about SC PVM here, quite obviuosly.

You see you can’t even put a single contrargument against Sorc being THAT op. Because you know she is.

-I very obviously did, and you neglected to comment (just scroll up a bit). And now, according to you, it’s the Sorc character itself that’s OP, but only in SC? Cause HC is a different topic entirely? You can’t just keep changing the narrative to fit your views. That is, if you want anyone to take you seriously.

I still challenge you to make your OP whatever Sorc in 4 hours in HCL and come show me how you’ve broken the game.

most people play softcore, not hardcore

We are discussing softcore here

Go play a game you like

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Yeah, take Grief away from melee. Obvious deep understanding of the game XD

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hey charles. you make a good thoughtful logical post. however, there is a big problem with your ideas. your ideas are nerfing and moving the game backwards. this is where your ideas will 100% not be taken seriously. the game is moving forward now. the power creep will continue, along with game difficulty. i’d say put your efforts towards that end.

I wish people asking for nerfs would take 5 minutes to think to themselves will doing this make everyone roll sorc?

I think people just want to close the gap between their bad gear and the good gear people get when they actually play the game. You nerf a runeword, nerfing its value, nerfing your mobility to gain the runes that no longer have value, ruining any sort of economy, just to make you feel better about your guardian angel hammerdin. Its pathetic. Play the game or dont, but dont sit here and beg blizzard to change a game that you dont feel like putting the time into.

Diablo 4 will be here soon enough. Then you guys will have your mindless ploot cosmetic grind that keeps the zoomers attention. You wont be able to trade so you guys wont have to cry about an economy anymore. The exodus of everyone that want D2 to be a different game will be the best thing thats happened to D2R yet. Im sure you all will have plenty to complain about on the D4 boards, but at least it will be somewhere else.


Does anyone even care about D2R other than those who are stuck in the past??

The game has not aged well, it needs online mods battlenet is awful and ran by JSP…

D2r will never have a big player base unless it leaves the past behind .

Leave a server 1.14 for the JSP community and make a real ladder with events an endgame and a reason to play.

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Appreciate the kind words. I do respectful disagree and think implementing these nerfs coupled with improving itemization (see link below) would move this game forward in an exciting new direction…

Improve Itemization

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Charles why do you hate Diablo so much? I read through your long winded post and it reads just like a disgruntled player. Do you constantly get owned in the game and that’s why you want to destroy it?

You claim to love the game and yet here is another post of you attempting to fundimently change the game. Subconcuosly you hate this game don’t you realize?? Or you would not be spending so much time trying to change it.

Start being specific guy, how does he hate the game? where? What part? Do you believe all nerfs are bad? Do you believe only buffs should happen to the game? Do you believe the Mosiac sin was a good thing? Do you think nerfing the claw vipers was a good or bad thing? Let’s start being more specific instead of trying to accuse him of things.


I like most of it.
My only note about #2 - Cold Mastery. Just nerf Blizzard a little. Reduce raw damage. Isn’t Cold Mastery already at 1/4th power?

I’d additionally work on buffing underperfoming builds. Psn nova necro, or Bone Spear necro. Zeal, GA bowa,

I’d also rework Attack Rating a little. Achieving 95% in Hell is not easy with self found items.

Lower gaps between things like Lionheart and Fortitude. Either buff one or nerf the other one.


Updated OP for upcoming Season 5, and urge the developers to continue to move D2R in an exciting new direction, one that fosters player choice and further fuels build diversity.