S1 Runewords & No New Runewords for S2: Can we get an explanation?

From the devs very own mouths

When to Use the New D2R 2.4 Ladder Runewords?

When you can use these D2R ladder runewords? These runewords start to be available with the launch of Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder Season 1 and they are Ladder-only items. This means you will only be able to create these runewords during the first Ladder Season, and not be able to create them in single-player or non-ladder characters until the conclusion of Season 1. After that, you can create them in the non-ladder and single-player game and you still have all runewords that you have created.

Im Just literally sick to my stomach over this.


Ok, maybe spend another 4 months accumulating more Cham runes :rofl:

EVERYONE expected the runewords to come to noLadder. To go all paragraph rider with “there were no new ladder RW” is ridiculous.

And why does he have to post on Reddit instead of blizzards own forum?


Yeah exactly. It would be one thing if they said originally they would only be available in ladder. Then I wouldn’t have leveled characters specifically anticipating ladder end. Make them available immediately.

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someone wake up :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

all you have for 2.5 is a charm :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

mean not much , no skill balance or rune word , same stuff still broken most item set and unique item are still very underwhelming , no extra character slot , enjoy your charm , what a joke , you will get boring quick , not wasting my time with this

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Seriously what is the point of this? Wasnt the new content meant to be for all players to enjoy like they did with the old ladder specific runewords? This is a huge middle finger to us none ladder players, we clearly are not important to blizz…


Saw a post that upgrading set items doesn’t work either, I hope all of this is fixed soon or at least an explanation

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Argh i had all the stuff i needed for my NL bowsorc’s wisdom in my ladder stash and was just too lazy to build it cause i thought i can build it later with my bow sorc once S1 is over. If they had just clearly anounced it, i would have build it in ladder, no problem. But no communication? WTH?

This is such dogcrap. They said end of season then its non ladders time. They got stoned and did the whole thing wrong and are making nonsense answers to try and cover up.

Utter dogcrap

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They clearly say in the vid, not every season.

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They clearly say you dont get new runewords each season. It is highly suggestable that you get 1 ladder of new runewords and then it hits nonladder.

The community have opely clamoured for them for the last month, not a mention. It was obviously a mistake they did not make it over.


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Same, i was so hyped, but now i cant be bothered to play

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Meh i don’t care about new runewords. But i am one of those old players who would be fine with them never adding anything new to the game and just resetting the ladder like they do for the original D2.