PTR is over, charms are coming Thursday

I cant wait for the people wanting immunities gone to start complaining about the resistance debuff. This will be a good ol laugh

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I would like to play ladder but I donā€™t have enough char slots


His point about Cold Sorcs needing Infinity has merit if you want to defer points into Cold Mastery to maximize Damage. Yet overall, you really donā€™t need it if you donā€™t care as much about clear speed. He backs up my point on Lightning and especially Fire Builds. Flickering Flame just got way more value and Fire Charm may ultimately be the most expensive(imo).

Vex is definitely going to be in higher demand.

Noobs still believe Cold is King so the first few weeks will make for great exploitation of the ignorant selling overpriced Cold gearā€¦ :rofl:

Iā€™ll be rolling poison nova myself. Easily the best build for full clear farming Terror Zones without charms. Bone Prison is amazing for drawing in mobs on open maps :rofl:


Of course one and the only bladesin

Hard to say without knowing the drop rate of the sunder charm. FireSorc really appealing, insane output so even 5% of dmg still killing stuff, add Flikering Flame on that later. But without the Sunder Charm, Fire is useless in Hell, too many immune or too weak in Hybrid. So if the drop rate is not too bad, for the first time ever, I will go with a FireSorc, if the drop is really bad, Hybrid build LNova/FOrb.

The second character I will do really point out the obvious problem right now, Smiter, the Only Melee Build still ahead of the caster in one areaā€¦ ooo never mind, it will be a FoH with one point in fanatism and smite,

Thatā€™s so funny. Because when ladder resets high ruins are not only more expensive, but literally non existent. Cheap huh? Who you going to get them from? Fara? Deckard Cain? Youā€™ll either get very lucky and find one, or pay a premium from the first person who offers one up for trade. By trade I mean for sale on jsp. Because no one will have anything to give for a vex. WHat you going to offer for the vex? A bunch of chipped gems? Do you even know what ladder reset means? Vex cheap after resetā€¦lmfao, I needed that laugh this am.

Vex is 2 Gul, Gul can drop off Hell Hellforge and has a 9.1% drop chanceā€¦

Itā€™s historically been priced around the same as a Shakoā€¦ :rofl:

me too 4 or 5 days cold sorc until Iā€™m bored then I go back to watching pornos

thatā€™s later in ladder early shako much more expensive than vex

yes itā€™s not that bad but still your mother is a slag

A new gameā€¦

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Imagine saying this as a necromancer, and not knowing what confuse actually doesā€¦like at all.

Nothing, if the charms come to the game it is time to leave.

Confuse doesnā€™t cluster mobs around a singular point for CEā€¦ :rofl:

Also, you seem to be confused, attract is the curse you are trying to referenceā€¦

Nothing, no REAL changes, no REAL content. Itā€™s a dead a$$ game. POE until D4. Byebye

Probably a hork barb or something relatively easy to mf with.