Please just release D2: Reburied

Is the leader lvl 99 yet?

That’s fair, signed.


Why not? The race to 99 has been abbreviated so much that its over within a week! Let Ladder players play with more high end gear! Bring on Loot 2.0 to D2R! At least give us a reason to wanna pvm instead of pony up for fools gold for the true end game content, PvP.

I really enjoyed your well written and well thought out post. I am also on the spectrum and it is rare to see anyone of intelligence create a post in these forums. There is no need to apologize, you succeeded at explaining something that most people here could not do, and you did it in the right way. Don’t bother replying to the trolls, they are too ignorant to even attempt to read what you wrote, much less understand it. I would definitely pay for another version of D2R if I could play the game with new graphics exactly how it was before the new patches.


Well you see the problem is most Blizzard staff can’t manage to read messages longer than 280 characters. Between taking pictures of their food, and flexing in the mirror, they simply don’t have the time to do their jobs.


Gonna have to give you the LOL, because it’s true.

I advocated for an option for pure LOD with remastered graphics and “resurrected” mode, mostly because I foresaw the toxic purists and the evitable clash of people who wanted “their game” and people who wanted D2’s antiquated, aging, decrepit flaws fixed. I figured hey, it was already IN coded in the original game, as you could make a new character and convert it to LOD (or not) when the D2 expansion originally launched. I figured why not it’ll split the player base, but everyone will be happy.

Sadly, they elected not to do it. Foresight is not Blizzard’s forte.

Hypocritical to the hilt.

It’s so nice that you break people into only 2 groups. They are either with you or against you. There is no in between, ever…
I very much like vanilla LoD. The issue is they never gave us a proper hi res version of it.
I also very much enjoy heavily modded LoD. I helped with modding Hell Unleashed after Soulmancer hung up his reins and gave it to the community to continue (with some caveats). We eventually made a proper hi res version.

I personally don’t mind the changes to most of the classes they did in 2.4. (I don’t like the werebear at all…it was dramatically nerfed…and not in a good way).
I don’t mind terrorized zones. They are a minorly useful addition overall.
I do not like sunder charms. This is a massive change that had no balance offsets at all, and was barely tested (hopefully they have a clue how ‘find item’ and ‘find potion’ work now).
I don’t like the ‘bug’ fixes that nerfed damn near everything dangerous with, again, nothing to offset them.
All they have done is wussified the game. Terrorized zones produce no more danger than a level 85 area. The xp bonus is minimal.

So take your purist crap and put it where it belongs.

I think he was kidding - that’s clearly not what you wanted.

Serious question, though: why not just build that interface into the same game? I love the idea of being able to select older patches and play them.

I would hate to lose the servers, though - I still play with friends I met through those servers decades ago and I’ve made new friends as well (although that was with D2: LoD).

I am not sure you know what hypocritical means. There is really only two groups here. Those were refuse any changes, and those who embrace changes. I am of the latter category.

Hah. I’m the absolute last person on this forum who will be called a purist. Again, I have to wonder if your replying to the wrong person or there is something VERY wrong with your comprehension skills.

The only people that think this was going to be Diablo 2 with nothing but a graphical upgrade are the purists that kept making this claim with no basis in fact.

Several changes were made before release. Thinking more changes wouldn’t come was willful ignorance.

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Imagine writing your senior thesis on Diablo 2…

The coporate overlords have spoken! They know best! Sometimes I wish I worked on D2R dev team because I would definately listen to long time players input to keep the game on a successful path. But then again, they probably have very little say which direction the game goes. It looks like they are aligning theirselves with corporate politics, creating a stale unimaginitive experience because its safe and sells. Its a classic game for sure. D2 LoD was created by a passionate, motivated team! Without D2, WoW would never exist! Paying homage to your roots cannot hurt!

I think just having another server without any of the changes would suffice.
Probably a lot easier for them to do, too.

It’s honestly weird they don’t even consider it, though. I still can’t wrap my head around it. Literally gives everyone what they want, and makes everyone happy, yet they can’t be bothered? I guess they don’t care. We’ve already bought the game, so what incentive do they have to bring us back?

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To summarize, you want to get the tcp/ip back and be able to choose the version of the games on the launcher. Removing the tcp/ip was a shady move from Blizzard. Access to old version, why not

Where I disagree : D2R was never marketed as a remaster only. Resurected → Continue


It was absolutely marketed as a remaster only. Some of their dev team went on interviews on like… YouTube and said it wasn’t.

Hell, the big boys on top even said they weren’t going to make changes whatsoever, and even claimed the original game was sacred.

That said, this isn’t a helpful conversation to have. Instead of prodding away at what was vaguely stated, why not just give everyone what they want and have the separate server already?

It never was, and you just said so in your second setence. Why would a “remaster only” release with already changes and discuss ploot before even releasing the game?

It was a make-believe that purists want to be true so hard, but reality hits harder. Happy for the majority though, D2R can now thrive without those purists.

The big boys that made the Tweet above? Anyone bigger boy than that big boy himself please? That also okayed many changes on initial launch? :roll_eyes:


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Your post was already debunked in several threads. No reason to address this further.

Never ever happened, you can’t debunk facts. You can not read that Tweet of literally the name of Diablo franchise saying they are discussing adding ploot? And what about the game releasing with many changes?

Anyways, happy for D2R and its future. D2: LoD still exist.

Why do you keep parroting the same points over and over?

You were debunked. You can pretend you weren’t all you want.

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D2R is nothing more than a test before D4 launches. At this rate, D2 LoD will yet again be the golden standard for Diablo 5 because a corporation is devoid of a soul. Prime example would be the Battlefield series. To this day, the best playing one is arguably BC2 yet EA has stated they have no idea why its regarded so highly. Diablo is heading towards mediocracy.