Paying GUL rune for every 10x magic vampireBone glove

I got 1 or 2 pairs for you buddy, found them during my usual mf runs so free of charge :joy:. Hit me up when you’re on.

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Hi Teemo,

I also have a couple. Not sure I can be bothered collecting 10 so will flick em to you next time we are on together.

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Hello Teemo,
Got 10 pairs for you. Gambled about 15M.


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Thx leaf trade ya tomorrow when I’m on

No problem.

added you, got a pax of 10 for Gul now

Hey Teemo,

So I have found a few more and now have the required 10. Will try and catch you tomorrow / later today.

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Hey Dude,

I have ten more for ya, will try and catch up tomorrow if u r around?

hi can you collect another 10. im out of gul but can give vex

ha ha yep that is what this 10 is!
Its to pay you back for the last Vex you game me :slight_smile:

(And I am out of room too…)

I have 10x magic vampirebone gloves for you. Are you still open for trade?
If so, add me: Zilonka#1791

Have 10 vamp gloves BT is WildPants

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Can you tell me more, I’d like to understand this better. A link reference would be fine also. Preliminary searching hasn’t turned up anything

How much do you want to know and not know? (Here’s a hint, pick not know)

is it related to treasure class? if that is true, meaning the same map finding HR would be more likely to find another HR?

omg, no, I must stop thinking about it…

Yeah, I thought seeds were around maps, but if you’re playing online, then the seed will be different each game.

The call it “The Tutorial”… goes back to the days of ATMA and such…

Woohoo - just found ONE in the River of Flame
NINE more for my GUL :slight_smile:

Teemo, I know it’s been a while, but do you have any interest in a batch of 10 magic Vampirebone gloves, or are you all done with that? I’ve got 10 of them if you’re interested.
