Patch 2.7 expectations

want the “!” command back


Let werewolf/bear form be infinite duration


Most of the staff will be working on Diablo 4 and i dont expect much changes. Maybe some tweaks and QoL but nothing groundbreaking … After all we are 4 days away from the ladder and we still dont have patch notes soo i believe this is gonna be small update.

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Skeletal mages will be useful at all?

all D2R needs is patch 2.4 + reworked, balanced TZs. NOTHING else.
maybe stash tabs/character slots for $$ like $10 or $15 per.

TZs need to be alternative to “old” way to farm 99s. OR if we want to keep current TZ rewards (loot/exp) we should at least make it hard to farm not a joke like they are now.

But I’ve lost my faith in Diablo team. Where are all those people who were making good games, not a community feedback flower power bullKEK


ladder 4 patch notes in a few days hopefully get some good news in store

A shame they do not even want feedback prior to patch release. No real testing, nothing.

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Personal hope is that they don’t make it worse again.
Personal expectation is that they’ll make it worse again.

Each patch the game becomes easier, each patch it’s pulled into the modern everyone’s a winner mentality.


You mean the old Condor guys? Or the guy that left to make Guild Wars?

Do you honestly think we’re going to get a surprise rework of NHD in 2.7? Really?

Nevermind that people want NHD reworked so that’s actually a welcome item to change. But the odds are so heavily stacked against that happening in 2.7.

Yeah I think that’s an admirable goal. It has slowly been getting better with their changes. I know purists hate it but I always hated that OG fist of heaven and martial arts was rather poo. I like that those are viable now.

I agree with you on Bowzon and Bone Necro. Bone spirit is still basically a dead skill in PvE (idk anything about PvP) It would be cool if bone spirit hit a target and then launched other non multiplying bone spirits at other enemies or something like stronger teeth or bone spears when they hit. I know that may seem a bit too similar to fist or lightning fury but I just think that it needs something to be worth taking and using. Maybe it hits and procs corpse explosions within a radius of 15 or something. Maybe it shoots out spirits that create strong and fast revives from corpses around it (unrelated to summon tree, so same power level as the monsters themselves were upon death) that last maybe a short amount of time10-15 seconds or something (idk, could be thematic having the bone spirit possess the corpses of enemies around the target.) Then have the revives corpse explode on death in a small radius. Just spitballing here.

Poison explosion/dagger could use help as well. Could make poison less reliant on one of the rarest items in the game as well.

Basically any build that requires stacking skillers to feel as good as a new hammerdin/frost sorc I think needs to be looked at. I don’t personally care if they become suddenly god tier since we’ve had got tier season starters since time began and all they make me do is wish worse builds were better.

I like that too, but Martial arts Sin is a joke. The entire branch is still mediocre at best. And then you get 1 rune, and it becomes S-tier. That is insane and NOT what Diablo2 is about. It is about progression over time. Not like D3 where you get +10,000% damage.

Also, the entire skill changes with that that runeword. And not only that, you need that item, and you need 2 of them. There is no alternative. NONE.


NHD changes already confirmed for 2.7 :eyes::rofl:

No idea. Where is this patch 2.7 info?

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Nothing like another caster buff, melee nerf ehh?

Well since PezRadar is probably too busy walking his dog to let anyone know… gotta go ask one of the streamers that interns leak info to.

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Still pissed about official forums not getting updates first. I don’t watch dumb streams.

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Imagine a viable Poison Dagger build. Melee necromancer would be so much fun. The 30 second timer on the damage is just ridiculous. Every other character is 6 screens away at that point while you’re waiting for your poison damage to finish up.

I step away from these forums for two weeks and they did what. (Not complaining.) Got a link?

Please don’t do this. Please just don’t. :joy: