Patch 2.6 Wishlist, Looking Forward From Here

I would add:


  • Frozen Orb - CD reduced to 0.5sec, increased synergie from IBolt to 4%


  • Molten Boulder - removed CD


  • inertia - from 3/5/7 to 5/7/12


  • Stealth - added +1 to Teleport


  • Tearhaunch - changed to +2 to Vigor

NEW items

  • Unique Grand Charm - +1 to Teleport +20frw -25% block -30% to all resistances
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[X] fix pvp. All I need.


GO BACK to D2LoD and ur “perfect” WSG/desync PvP, D2R is different game.

Yeah very bad game on this part.

Calm down by the way.


lol. Thanks god nobody will ever listen to you.

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If you like wsg and etc. go play D2LoD cuz Blizzard dont care about ur “perfect” PvP state.
GM PvP is only addon for huge minority of purists and p2w elitists lol.
GO and never back here!

Wall of non sense.

Tell me more about Stealth runeword with +1 Teleport Mister expert lol please.


Delete 2.5, rollback to 2.4 and nerf hammerdins.

Exqctly as requested after public testing.

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@CharlesJT i appreciate your enthusiasm in the topics you create to make changes to improve the game, (in the past i supported you or tried to create feedback on your post), in some things i can agree with you and in others not. But i think we talk about a lot of changes but we forget the basics and we leave it behind and thats not right, i talk about things like:

-Changes in FHR that make PVP worse, although i dont play anything in pvp, but, they are also a part of the endgame and the community of those of us who love this game. Without them, we all lose, if they don’t play there will be less trade most of the more expensive items are for pvp, less pvp less players, less trade, more people leaving the game…

-Why doesnt anyone mention that since the change they made to summon dclone anni charm it is totally a worthless item and that it rains from sky? Anni is currently worth nothing due to her easy access, except if its 19/19/10 or +, instead of making dclone’s summon something new, cool and exciting they’ve made her something boring and easy (i dont want to go back to searching Hot ip again but this…).

-Why nobody talks about the game difficulty each time less balanced? The game difficulty is balanced from when you start from zero until you reach hell, all that way is attractive, (we know, search to make spirit, farm nm to get items, farm hell andy, meph to get more items) but it arrives a point where with a medium-high gear without the need for perfect gear or perfect stats, the game becomes a walk.

i accept ALL changes, as long as they are to improve the game, i love that they continue to work on the game, but do we really want more powercreep while the difficulty stays the same? i think a lot of their changes are basic without much thought or recycling ideas from other games or what they plan to do in a future games.

Anyway @CharlesJT missing in your post, the changes you posted about adding mobs or special zones like Butcher in Tristam’s Cathedral (real Diablo1 tristam redesigned pls :pray: ).

PS: im afraid that blizz doesn’t care what we publish, i no longer have hope that the good ideas that can be rescued will be studied by the devs.

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Absolutely support and made honorable mention from PvP Community in OP. Thanks!

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Ilvl on items
Cain to stash A5
Currency Tab
More character slots
Buff under used and underwhelming elite Uniques.


I lol’d at this then a switch turned :thinking: good for Ubers!

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I actually liked all theese changes. Well thought out.

Unblockable berzerk might be OP, yet i still somewhat liked the idea.

FHR changes are more important though. WSG + OLD d2lod fhr functions is the best stun functions ever witnessed in any game, and we will never see anything working better in any game, unless d2r decides to actually listen to its pvp’ers. I miss it even in pvm…

Here are some adds from my side:
FIX rabies! Per now it seems blockable, it stops working if enemy leaves ur sight/minimap range or if u shapechange back to human. BUT PLEASE DONT FIX THAT IT CAN OVERRIDE ITSELF WITH HIGHER DPS! xD It also lacks uninteruptible. This skill without the uninteruptible and unblockable functions which it had in d2lod already makes the skill bad, but removing its damage completely when people are activly trying to play the game actually its the last nail in the coffin for rabies.

WSM glitch as its called was a key factor in:
Early barb and assa gameplay
Could even be fun for pure zerk barbs

Throwbarb has gotten loads of buffs, which are really well performed, its just that without wsm bug they still underperform.

Well, any1 remember that char? I assume its forgotten by most already, been weak for 20 years, yet a still a fun char to play. And it could kill some enemy players once in a while.
NOW: Its so useless. from 4fpa to 9fpa, its actually 10fpa for pvp since faith mercs are considered bm. Loosing 6 frames is basicly like witch hunting the entire class/build. Maul is as usefull for pvp as magic find % is. It’s not a valid skill to be mention on the inazne hunt for that crappy 9fpa frame. And a few ed% and some survivability stats on werebear in general can never win over the 6 lost fpa… Im sry, im not able to get 1080% increased attack speed on my gear to reach those 9 frames in pvp… Now immagine, this is before any slow factor…
Damage PR attack is ALWAYS super crap compared to attack speed.
Its like stuff like chance to cast, crushing blow, (NONE WEPON DAMAGE ADDED FROM OTHER SOURCE LIKE FOREXAMPLE FIRECLAW), leech etc did not exists in d2r when theese changed was made… Cause thats the hardest nerf to any class ever. Its like removing bonespear for necro… (or to make it shot at less than half its current fpa…)

Make bladefury starting and stopping animation a little snappier.

Make wirlwinds breakpoints a little easier to obtain, so they are not as much penaltied by slow factors.

In my point of view, werebear should reach 3fpa. It would never be op, it would never be meta. But it would be fun for those who actually bother to use half their keyboard to even play the char with some added firespells and summons.


PvP comunity from jsp are extremely toxic group of p2w, pvp hacks and script abusers. I remember how those duels looked, it was mostly script vs scrip/hack combo then crying on forums “You hack noob! I have proofs! Im legit” LOL xD I hope they leave D2R for good!!

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That was basicly a few guys. I dont even know them.
We play d2 for fun, we dont play it for money. If a game is played for money earnings cheats will flood and if the earners are streamers they will bore themselves to death meanwhile and start acting phsycotic pretty fast. Cause hacks removes fun factor of games.
So there might be a few soul’s that cheats in pvp, but the gain is close to none. Meanwhile in pvm bots FLOOOD the game, cause they actually EARN something on it.
So people that actually care’s about the game is legit people, meanwhile people who dont give a shlt about the game status other than player count is guys who use 3rd party stuff.

You the best ! Haha :slightly_smiling_face:

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There has been tremendous support from the PvP community to revert FHR and Stun System. I support this wholeheartedly as it is a core mechanic, otherwise why is there a Hostile button? Blizzard should fix this issue.

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I think Berserk synergy works like conversion. So you dont get +60% magic dmg at 20 Berserk, but your whole Frenzy dmg will be part 60% magic, part 40% physical. Correct me if wrong. So maybe give it 2% magic per level at max.
I would rather Frenzy having just one synergy, that gives 10% dmg and 0,5 second duration. And another can be Berserk. And Frenzy % dmg per level from 5% to 12%.

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wow what kind of noob are you lol? Wall of tears.

Basicly you are saying that every player better than you used hacks lmao. Maybe it’s time to open your eyes, i used to roll over players like you in d2lod, guys that kept accusing me of “hacks”.
Never used hacks. Get good buddy.

At least now, you got your easy low skilled game anyway, enjoy that low brain patch. Was made for players like you.

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True, but the developers specifically added increased stamina as a synergy to frenzy to give the skill more purpose.