Patch 2.4 summon necro merc

i saw that, with beast , infinity merc & fort & need to have urdar ( monster in river flame , look like hulk) for revive minion,
i test without urdar, its bad, summon get rekt in tristram


Ok the videos are in the necromancer subforum. And the guy’s name is Skulm.

Yes, I have been learning alot on what specific mobs to summon for revives. I had no idea specific mobs had crushing blow… my most recent Necro, who passed away early this evening i tried going without revives. But before I died, took me almost 5-6mins to kill ancients on hell mode solo, with revives on my other necro i had a few weeks ago took less then a minute.

I mean, one takes one of the slowest pvm characters out there into ubers, don’t expect it to be easy without top end gear. This is why everyone uses smiters who can do it for cheap. Why make your own life complicated?


Because I like to party? i dunno only thing i can think of when i see that questions is, I like to think of baby Jesus in a tuxedo tshirt

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Yeah summon necros realy shine whit highend expensive gear.

yeah also need the skills to play, i test in PTR, with all hi gear (only minus the gear was low defense), my smiter get rekt in meph, uber its not my thing lol

when i cow farm, i limit only 2 player can join, so my CE not too fall behind. its up 2 you. its a pro n cons

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Well my Next necro, is going to only do Lower Kur / Pindle, until I find cool stuff, everytime i deviate from Pindle I get murdered. today i decided to do ancients at 83, i made it to level 2 of worldstone, as i walked into the door I was met with probably 6-7+ of them lighting shooting things, and my LE resist was crap.

buy thundergod belt & wisp projector ring (optional), should fix the issue, or if enemy ar the lighting ghost recreate the game, thundergod only are good enough

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The answer is a bit gear dependent but in general I’d say it depends on what you are doing. If you are farming cows or pits or anything not bosses the speed and kill power of the act 5 merc to get your CE rolling is probably going to be faster. Its mostly the speed. Get to next group fast, get a kill fast, get more CE going.

If you like doing bosses the aura from act 2 mercs will certainly win. Your summons actually matter then and the main benefit from the act 5 merc (getting to the next monsters fast) doesn’t matter.