That wouldn’t help much because of next delay unfortunately, I mentioned it in point 2. Having all 3 spend together would just cause massive overlap, and Next Delay would make them cancel out each others damage. If they’d remove the next delay on Chaos Lightning and Frozen Orb it would work, but removing next delay would also buff CL and FO to the point they probably wouldn’t need to all release together imo. Their dmg would go through the roof without next delay, and maybe that’s what’s needed.
Also check out my guide on the phoenix sin, and maybe even try downloading the single player char to give it a try. Phoenix Sin can be a little cumbersome at first, but using Quick Cast Skills, and Normal Attack can help to make very fluid and consistent feeling gameplay.
I also used to use Claws of Thunder, it’s definitely my 2nd fav MA skill. Pair it with Tiger Strike and Dragon Tail and you get some insane hits. The knockback from the Dragon Tail can also allow a monster to be hit by all 3 charges, where typically they’d be immune to the charged bolts because of Next Delay. Also Tiger Strike + Dragon Tail in the current form can deal 50k dmg per kick, and now with it not spending all 3 charges, thats gonna be some serious fire power.