Option settings reset for no reason

Windows 10 abruptly shutdown d2r and reboot. When I logged back in, D2R was reset on all my option settings. What happened and why? The option settings should be a flat file, how the did it reset with no apparent interaction? This is clearly a d2r design flaw. Should never happen.

You should think more about your crashing computer. It’s not blizzards fault when you have a crashing PC.

I agree with @Baumsi.

First, fix your computer. Then, if you’re unsure how to save your D2:R Game Options, you might want to look this over: About Custom Key Bindings.

(It applies to all Game Options. Not just Controls. However, Video, Audio and Gameplay are global, for all Characters).

My options were saved. D2R was closed without exiting formally and all my settings were reset. This is D2R problem, NOT windows or my sh1tty pc as you say.

You guys have no idea what you’re talking about.

That’s not what I said.  

Of course not.

That’s why we’re not having any of the issues that are being reported here.