Optimal Fury Druid Build (Not Reaper Wolf) - Updated after recent patches


How do we break physical immunity with this setup (edeath decapitator + faith act 1 merc)?

Dont we need reapers toll on ourself or act 2 merc or a Bone Break sunder charm, or have I missed something?


I’m no expert… so we’ll start there.
I do run a BoneBreak mostly all the time.
It’s an area that will have a high concentration of PI’s, then, yes, I swap to a Reapers Toll on me.
I did try throwing a Wrath Bow on the Act1 Merc, but, she likes to target outliers, which does not Proc the Decrep against the monsters you are fighting.

Like most things in D2R… it depends.

I have read that some folks run with ethDecap in one slot, and Reapers in the alternate.
I have not found that makes sense for my build which also uses a strong Zoo… So I run Hoto and Spirit on swap to cast Zoo members…
It’s likely by the time you have all that gear you know if you are headed to a heavy PI zone (Trav, Arcane, Drifter Cavern, Icy Cellar… etc)


Thank you very much for your reply. Very useful :slight_smile:

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