One Solution to Address Three Common Issues

If we can’t have more shared stash tabs, & instead we’ve chosen to normalize slavery in form of the mule in 2023, can we at least have more regular stash tabs per character?

Problem: It’s impossible to keep gems, jewels, high runes, crafting bases, crafting runes, sunder charms, etc. This is all in-game content so why are we purposefully making it into something that’s so difficult for the players to experience & interact with?

Solution: I see this working the same way as the end-of-season shared stash tab. But the checkbox would instead be replaced by a dropdown menu with three options: shared stash tabs, personal stash tabs, & withdraw-only shared stash tabs from the previous ladder.

Explanation: The third new option (personal stash tabs), when selected, would give each character access to a new page of four additional personal stash tabs. This way, you can still transfer items between characters via the shared stash tabs, still have the solution for your previous ladder to non-ladder shared stash, & have room in the extra tabs to store your high runes, gems, crafting materials, runeword bases, dip, playing cards, comic books, cigarettes, etc. This would NOT introduce a need for an end-of-ladder solution as they are personal tabs for individual characters.

Final thoughts: I think this would be a decent middle-of-the road solution for the currency tab, extra character slots, & the unlimited stash. It would at least do something to address these three common issues players have while not creating a backlog of features to develop & test. Thanks for reading everyone & any discourse is welcome. Thoughts? Comments? Insults? Racial slurs?



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That’s not a solution.

Add 30 character slots so people can play characters.
Allow Runes,Jewels to be converted into crafting mats that are stackable. Make gems stackable or let us convert them into craft/rerolling mats that are stackable.

The first step solves the issue of not enough character slots to play different builds and modes and also allows hoarders to stash more items.

The second step makes crafting more attractive as you can gather more crafting mats for crafting sessions without blocking your shared stash and mules.

we dont need more stash tabs. well at least those of us who dont bot, cheat, buy/sell items for real money don’t.

i like the idea for currency tab though. at least for runes, potions, and gems.

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Sure it is. Can you clarify?

The 20 character limit is a hard line as there are no such limits in single-player.

Your solution to mules is… add more slots for mules.

This is a lot of development without any real incentive. It’s one thing for somebody to make a mock-up and something completely different to implement it, squash the bugs, deal with potential exploits, etc.

Interesting. I have never seen anyone say that they are happy with the current amount of room we have. The majority of players in the community probably disagree with this.

Sure, that’d be nice. Already replied to this. See above. Extra stash tabs would address the room saved by a currency tab.

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Because the coding doesn’t support unlimited stashing. Most people arent aware of this, but the coding being so old, if they added too many stashes, items would actually start disappearing in other slots. There’s no work around to that short of actually manufacturing an entirely new game basically from the ground up.

Could we have more? Yes. Much? Not really…

we dont need more of them
they purpose is make sharing among chars easier
what we need is:
3 personal tabs per char
a currency tab
enough char slots to make one of each class for every game mode

if im not mistaken
items dissappering is due to the 8kb max file size
the problem is that this same file handles not only personal tab but also inventory and gear equiped, maybe more
so it makes sense, at least for me, that giving each char personal tab a file of its own and leaving the char inventory handled by the old file would solve this problem

You are suggesting more stash space on the character which doesn’t fit in the character filesize. We already have problems with disappearing items because of storage limits.

Also it still does not solve the problem with 300 slot places + magic item to craft 100 times.

They could just raise it. Even with buyable slots. But 50 is a bare minimum if you want to play all modes with all classes 1 time. It’s a much bigger problem than stash, people won’t even play ladder because they run out of slots.

It’s not a solution to mules, but it helps hoarders like you to store more items. So while fixing the limitation that keeps people from playing different modes or ladder, hoarders still benefit.

It’s not really much development as they still have unused models or could just use the same models but change the quality level. We already have recipes to transform items via cube, so it’s just a few entries in a table.

1x Ral in cube → press button → 1x Essence of Ral
change caster recipe to be 1x Essence of Ral + Essence of Jewel + Essence of PA + magic amulet

No development necessary. Also the cube is stored in the characters file, so you don’t have the exploits of currency tabs or shared stash, where items have to be stored in 2 different files/tables and deleted in the other accordingly. Most dupes used different saving points, by adding the item to the earlier saving point and crashing before the second saving point was reached. Not happening with simple cube recipes because it’s the same file.

And stacking 100 Rals 100 Jewels and 100 PAme to 3 slots would greatly reduce the need of mules and would allow people to craft more.

The stacking is the only targetable / exploitable part, but none of the crafting mats is worth it. Unlike stacking Jah/Bers, which would greatly reward exploiters. Nobody dupes Ral runes.

I hope I could clarify my post.

they could also add a recipe instead:
Ral + Pame + Jewel in cube = 1x Essenz of Ralcastercraft.
it would at least reduce storage volume for crafting from 3 to 1.

My dude, read the post. Did I make it confusing? I didn’t suggest more shared tabs.

So far in this post I have been called a cheater; a botter; RMTer; and a hoarder. :rofl:

Quit hoarding inventory management is major part of game.

you suggested we cant have more
and i replied saying we dont even need more shared stashes
so it was a complement to your statement and not a disagreement

I like to trade my finds for runes so I can play the way I want to play. The inventory management thing is a lie because you can just make mules. And people do that.

Ah I misunderstood, the price of debating in an online forum.

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As others have said, stackable runes and gems would easily clear up an entire tab. Add a currency tab and be done with it.

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a tab…and 2 or 3 mules too