Offline helpers for the less active user

First of all, use to play this way too much back in the day, so I know all the ins and outs. And now that it’s on console, it’s a new found interest so Im playing from time to time offline. But I DEFINITELY DO NOT have the hours to pile into building anything remotely close to an end game character! Even with the player difficulty scroll, it still would take days and days with loaded hours to generate anything remotely close with a semi good character. Does blizzard not have a way that a casual offline character can get close to the end game fun stuff without quitting my job and ignoring my family?? I wouldn’t mind getting at least one character there to rule and loot so I can play with other builds with decent gear… And… without getting into jail breaking systems and sketchy 3rd party mods!!

Blizzard, huge fan of the game!! And I want to get to the other fun stuff! But I have a life and I can’t get there. Help us casual offliners!!!

Offline has player setting adjustments which is a huge advantage. That really improves drop at P3/5/7. I’d be down for a slight increase in HR drop rate for offline, but I enjoy the grind.