NL - my BER vs your 560 perfect gems

As title says
I can pay upfront for guys with 500+ posts here or friends!

You need 45000 gems to get the jmod

Lol, very nice guess.
If that I would try a 6/40 matriarchal jav.
I’m just looking for 41+life skillers atm

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Arkitz I’ll take you up on this in a day or two. I’m over halfway there.



Many thanks buddy, I’ll meet you in a few hours to help in whatever you need

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Hello Frost, still gathering the gems?
Lmk if you’re still interested.
I’ll be doing this kind of trade 3 or 4 times

Still buying 560 perfect gem vs BER

I don’t think you are allowed to trade for anything that takes up more than 40 boxes.

You are right mate. Usually I do this trade by ground

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