NL - Looking for 3 Max / 5+ MF small charms

How much you want for this? Would you take a GUL?

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How much you want for this? Would you take a GUL rune?

Hi mate, I have a 3max/17ar/5mf sc, and I would like to take a vex or 3 ists for it.

Add me if interested.

Edit : thanks for trade :+1:!

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would a 2 max, 13 AR, 4% MF interest you?

Yup, HMU on BNET when you’re available bro.

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i’ve 7mf 2/20 if U r interested.

Thx for the trade Arkitz!


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Yes I am.
Add me please

Arkits trying to make that tesladin that MF on Fridays but ready to PVP on Saturdays without any gear or charm changes


Lol, almost that
Is a gold and magic find barb that can teleport for fun and do casually Ubers

Let me know if you can settle with 3mf. :wink:

Why not, Im looking for a lot of those lol
Would you take an IST?

Yes, ist is great!

There’s apparently a hybrid Frenzy Whirlwind build, where you tear through the entire map at super speed.

I was just thinking of doing this! Im gonna set it up soon to see how well it works!

Interested to hear how it goes.

I think you put a few points into frenzy and then max out increases stamina. Whirlwind is the damage dealing skill

How much U pay for 7mf 2/20? :slight_smile:


Is Gul good enough to you?

How about this beauty?

Wow, nice charm. But it is too much to me lol.
I don’t care about the AR because my main purpose is MF with all of those charms.
I’m trying to build a Frenzy Barb for Magic Finding. Maybe I’m crazy but I don’t like much Zerk stile