New runewords why?

Agreed, we need more uniques and even a rework of existing, underwhelming, never used uniques.

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Wow, that list is quite long! There’s so much room for the developers to introduce new unique items. For fun, here are a few names that come to mind for new uniques…

  • Antlers - Quetzalcoatl
  • Lion Helm - King of the Jungle
  • Coronet - Crown of Coronation
  • Jawbone Cap - Mandible of the Warlord
  • Crusader Gauntlets - Gauntlets of Piety
  • Bramble Mitts - Gloamskin Gloves
  • Troll Belt - Entrails of the Gorebelly
  • Ancient Shield - Last Rites
  • Ashwood Bow - Aspect of the Hunter
  • Conquest Sword - Conquistador
  • Feral Axe - Guillotine
  • Maiden Spear - Maiden’s Retribution
  • Colossal Sword - Oblivion’s Edge
  • Reinforced Mace - Malefic Mace
  • Stalagmite - Permafrost Pillar
  • Jared’s Stone - Philosopher’s Stone
  • Mithral Point - The Needle
  • Archon Plate - Purgatory Platemail
  • Wyrmhide - Skin of the Succubus
  • Zombie Head - Rigormortis

While that is true, what is obviously lacking is the motivation for Blizzard to lift a finger doing it. I’d rather them do nothing than try and hurriedly shove out a batch uniques without proper testing, then end up breaking the game from their shortsightedness.

If Blizzard is going to do it, it needs to be done right. And Blizzard, DON’T BE AFRAID TO NERF IF SOMETHING NEEDS IT. I’m sick of Blizzards ballooning power creep no-nerfs policy crap. Let the whiners cry, who cares… They’ll get over it.

OK… Blizzard rant over. :stuck_out_tongue:


What do you mean, they already smacked shifters and WW barbs with the nerf ba-…


Oh, right. Carry on. :stuck_out_tongue:


I guess that’s what happens when Blizzard was foaming at the mouth for D4 sales while they were working on D2:R. Haste leads to making mistakes. Then Rob Gallerani left? Blizzard, D4 was released… And here is D2:R, ignored, and collecting dust.

I second this. I stayed Diablo II classic (non-lod) for this reason. In the DII classic world, everyone is unique and not everyone uses Grief, Hoto, etc. I really like that perspective.
However I started LOD again, and can’t go back to DII unfortunately. Imo adding new runeword is silly, and it would destroy the market if new runeword has significant advantage over a very unique item (such as perfect stats rare items or perfect runewords). Theres still ppl who are trying hard to get those items, it would make them just wasted their time.
However what I do suggest is to make another episode. Maybe we can add the Lillith demon storyline to the current expansion. Act 6. 666 is known for devil, so number 6 would be fitting as well.
I am old but I would pay for the new expansion. Also if new expansion gets released, make sure the current character items stay if it’s non-ladder.
Would I pay for the expansion of Act 6th? Absolutely. Even if the price is same as Diablo IV, I am going to pay. Do not ignore old users. Blizzard saw marketing works on younger ppl, and they were wrong. Time to learn the lesson.

There are plenty of elite items there (introduced hastily in LoD, so there was no time to make uniques - like many other unfinished features?), but the elephant in the room are class-specific items. For example there are 5 (base) × 3 (normal, exceptional, elite) = 15 orbs, but only 3 of them are unique (Oculus, Eschuta, DF). 4 unique pelts of 15 possible, 3 of 15 auric shields and so on… Given that we got only a handful of new runewords in the recent patches, this list won’t be filled anytime soon.
And ideally I’d like to have at least 2 unique items of every type - so it’s always a surprise when you identify them.

Throw Barb Set is something you don’t see every day. However, I must point out that Set Items can’t roll Ethereal(I forget the reason why(I think it had something to do with how its coded) but just something I wanted to point out), hence dual Lacerators will ultimately be the go-to pick. Despite that, not a bad set there. My Jewelry set was built with Avengers in mind but as I look at it, it would be a Fire Sorceress’ wet dream with dual Talic rings yielding 40% FCR + -40% Enemy Fire Resistance with Madwc Amulet. Combined with Flickering Flame + Phoenix… dear lord lol. Might have to tweak my Set a bit… or maybe not? XD

So basically, we need a new and better game but D3 and D4 failed to do that.

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Nope, just improve the current D2, just like all of these threads are discussing.

Oooooor just rework existing ones. Thanks RW powercreep.

I thought this game has been perfect for 20 years though. Can’t have it both ways.

Who has ever said the game has been “perfect” that exact word?

if it is what you think why you bother to answer here since you seem to have lost all faith in this game ? are u playing it ? if yes then your comment is clearly rambling

How would you describe Diablo 2 if it’s not perfect? It’s at least the best ARPG of all time right?

WhoDat has a history of pedantic or ultra-literal arguing. He’ll twist things you say or hyper-focus on a specific interpretation of a word. Recently, I had to go round and round with him because he apparently interpreted my use of the word “world” in the phrase “the world doesn’t revolve around them” as meaning “the geopolitical makeup of the entire earth throughout all of human history” because I didn’t specify otherwise.

I’ve even seen him try to argue with people, including myself, who were in 100% agreement with him because of some word choice misinterpretation.

Would you like if it was possible for unique (and set) items to be dropped already upped? That’d be rather easy to implement and fill the gap in missing unique/set item types. Items could have just the base upped, as already possible with cube recipes - this variant would require no design and balance of completely new items and bring no power creep, as such items are already obtainable, or be truly of a higher tier (as done in Median XL).
For the latter option, imagine Peasant Crown as a shako with +2 all skills or The Salamander as a gothic staff with +Meteor and as a shillelagh with that +Meteor and also +FCR and +Fire spell damage.
Such drops would bring some variety, and, in some cases, frustration: imagine finding a unique Corona, and identifying it as a (doubly) upped Undead Crown instead of Crown of Ages… For this reason I propose the upping mechanic to work after rolling the non-upped unique, so upper versions do not dilute the chance to get true exceptional and elite unique items.