New day, new loot distribution options

You reply to somone talking about me, so yes you answer was obv about me…
But now that you cant show you lies.Its not about me…
All thes lies… i will now block you to. You are lying to much to twist it the way youu like…
lets se if you like micro and mith, they can stop talking about me even when they know they are blocked… RENT FREE.

Welcome to the Unofficial Defenders of Truth Club.

Thanks! Feels great to be in a club which doesnt believe in outrageous lies. I feel confident that the club will grow. Consider how sensitive he is.

So now that the liers are blocked for some time…
To pro plooter/instanced looter. timed loot belivers.
it will not come in D2R, so dont waste you time.

Checks Blizzard head of the entire diablo franchise Rod Fergusson’s tweet from September 16 that states “Let’s talk about it” (i.e. timed loot) after D2R ships.

This talk and for that matter an optional loot allocation game change may or may not ever come.

Rod’s tweet exists.


It definitely should.

Optional Timed Loot Allocation would be a nice little Quality of Life improvement, offering improved multiplayer experience for many players.

Have people asked Rod about it? D2R already released. Sadly it seems like he isn’t aware that there is an internet outside of Twitter.

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I suspect that Rod/Blizzard discussing optional timed loot as promised after D2R shipped became low priority when all the other issues became evident.

I think that after ladder launches and things settle down, it might be good to send a friendly reminder.

Indeed. I dont expect it to come very soon as they need to put resources into a successful ladder start. Its obv not a high priority. Also doubt it be something they implement mid ladder. However I still think its possible that they will eventually consider the amount of ppl requesting it and the lack of arguments against it.

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The primary argument against that has some merit in my mind is that it will split the playerbase.

If one believes “everyone” will still play FFA only in D2R, nothing at all changes. cough…cough…

If one believes that it will be a small minority that opts for an alternate loott allocation system, then FFA players will barely notice a difference if at all. The people who enjoy the alternate will benefit.

If a substantial number pick FFA and a substantial number pick an alternate, then it shows both are popular and this was a worthwile addition to add an option.

If only a small minority plays FFA if a second option is introduced, it proves why the option should be added.

P.S. I would not expect any alteration in the loot system until after the first ladder season ends.

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If its a option and isnt divided by different realms i wouldnt say that it split the playerbase. The amount of multiplayer games would prolly even increase as more ppl would want to party.

Even if there be a large number ppl could choose to join a game which offer ploot. Just like ppl who prefer ploot been joining FFA. If someone refuse to join a baalrun or act1 rush game based on loot option then they can only blame themselves. I doubt that the majority would be only ploot or only ffa.

Impossible to tell as blizzard did surprise alot of ppl with force walk and smart cast. But yeah I dont expect it to come soon as they have higher priorities.


This is true and highlights how arguments against timed loot or other “ploot” options are incongruous.

Would an alternate loot option split the playerbase anymore than characters level limit options, max player limit options, or private game options that already exist?

But it will split the playerbase! They say. Then they tell you that if you don’t like FFA, just get a group of like-minded players and play privately…or player single player (offline)… split yourselves from the online FFA playerbase. :roll_eyes:

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10,000 years can give you such a crick in the neck!

It feels so good to be baaaaack!