Names and Keybinds

All my character names have been turned in CAPITAL CHARACTER NAMES, whereas before yesterday’s maintenance they Were Capitalized As I Wanted Them To Be. The difference and annoyance of this should be obvious and needs to be fixed/reverted please.

Second, keybinds have also been erased from all characters, such that they look like level 1 character keybinds. I don’t recall my level 92 lightning sorc which I was playing yesterday, having only Attack and Firebolt on her skill bar/keybinds. Idk if this is something you’ll be able to fix, but I’ve heard people say the keybinds are no longer saving, so even if we take the time to fix them, it doesn’t matter. This is obviously terrible and needs to be fixed/reverted please.



When I leave D2R all keybindings reset to default. Totally unacceptable!


My keybinds aren’t saving either.

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I’m having the same problem and it’s frustrating!

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Same here 20202020220

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Not the main issue, please read the rest of my post “Second, keybinds have also been erased from all characters, such that they look like level 1 character keybinds. I don’t recall my level 92 lightning sorc which I was playing yesterday, having only Attack and Firebolt on her skill bar/keybinds. Idk if this is something you’ll be able to fix, but I’ve heard people say the keybinds are no longer saving, so even if we take the time to fix them, it doesn’t matter. This is obviously terrible and needs to be fixed/reverted please.” This is essentially gamebreaking and needs to be addressed ASAP (no CAPS pun intended). Please try to be better in the future.

I’m seeing this too ever since they did the last round of maintenance on the servers. It was working fine for me before this. Now every time I exit the game and start it again my skill bindings just reset to 1 through 8 and all my custom settings are lost. Definitely incredibly annoying and needs to be fixed.

Also seeing the weird issue with the character names as well.


Credit to Felix, he found a workaround that works.

"I figured out a work-around.

Rename your current “Player.ctlo” or “Player.keyo” file to “PLAYER.ctlo” or “PLAYER.keyo”. Basically make the name all uppercase."

You can find these files by typing one of your character names in the Windows Search bar


I have same problem . Keybinds are no longer saving.

First, you have to understand that the word “Patch” means “Fix”. When you put a patch on something, you fix it. Even if it’s temporary.

So, in the first sentence, subtitute “fix” for the word “patch” and you have:

  1. The only known issue that will be in the 2.4 fix is that character names are coming up as all CAPS. So enjoy screaming your name to the world for a few weeks as 2.4 hits on the 14th of April.

Having the same issue, gg blizzard. Patch one thing and break another… Fix yo Sh_T!