My thoughts about personal vs shared loot

This is not how personal loot works. To get personal loot, the character needs to be in close proximity to the killed monster. If you are NOT in close proximity, a personal loot character gets nothing.

In contrast in D2 currently with FFA, you can get to the monster kill location after the fact and get all uncollected gear. This makes FFA games worse in terms of “free items”.

Again see the point above. If you are standing in the room in close proximity, your character in hardcore is at risk irrespective of the loot system.

This is potentially worse in FFA. At most they leecher gets a binomial distribution of loot. In FFA, they can get all or a disproportionately high share.

This is not true. See:
Realm vs Game Loot Options - General Discussion - Diablo 3 Forums (

Total drops are the same in personal and global loot games. In 8 player personal loot game, each player see only on average one-eighth (12.5% of total drops +/- binomial probability variance). In a FFA game, players see 100% of the drops. Due to player stratification, it will be difficult to gear up in personal loot games. Therefore, a compelling case can be made for personal loot being more difficult and FFA less so.