My items disappeared

I went from a mule back to my Hammerdin.
My torch, anni, gheeds and all charms were missing.
I also noticed a bunch of my crafted ammys and items in stash were missing as well…

I hope they respond and fix this. For a full price remaster of an old game, this sucks. I never experienced anything like this playing classic. The only reason to play, is the magic find. To lose what you found, defeats the purpose.

Don’t expect a satisfying reply. This is what I received after my 40+ barb was rolled back to 19:

Game Master Daerdrin here. Thanks for reaching out, and I appreciate your patience while waiting for a response. I understand you were wanting a refund on your Diablo II purchase. We’re not always able to offer refunds, but I’d be happy to take a look into this for you.

After checking into it, we won’t be able to offer a refund on that purchase. We do try to make exceptions when we can, but you have already accessed and played the game for a good bit of time. It will no longer be possible for us to offer the refund at this point.

We are working to resolve any outstanding issues with the game as quickly as possible. For the latest updates or more information, please be sure to check on our Diablo II: Resurrected website and forums.

I know that isn’t the answer you were hoping for, but thank you for at least giving me the chance to check into it for you. I hope you have a good rest of your evening.


It doesn’t seem to matter to them if they are responsible for these deletes or not.

They told me about the same thing:

In the end our best bet appears to be wait and see.

Hope that they fix this… and if you play now… just know you could lose it all at any moment… items… characters… ect.

Not a great scenario & I wish they told us about this before purchase… cause I never would have purchased a game that deletes my content at random…

Stay warm out there traveler…

Hi Shinigami,

we should collect all events of items disappearing out of stash and inventory in a single thread, to improve our chances of getting heard. Is this the bug you experienced:


Then please add your bug report in this thread and we will try to collect all instances of this bug there.

Well my posting already has a very large number of related issues already linked up to it so going to use it. Over 300 thus far. I would hope that they are aware of this, and I would suspect that they are. It’ll be fixed when it’s fixed. I suspect that it’ll be sometime next year… but we’ll see.

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