+1 To All Skill Levels: yes nice
+10 To Energy: 20 mana is how much increase in % for OP?
+2 To Mana After Each Kill: not bad but not good either
Lightning Resist +30%: yes lr from ort
Damage Reduced By 7: well also not much
+2 To Light Radius: not relevant
just saying, on builds where one is ok resistanced wise, lore is a good choice.
otherwise, ral ort, ral ral ort, or ral ort ort can also be nice also when one wants to not use a sol. ofc trading dmg and mana for safety.
but ofc you may disagree even though OP said “I need some better/more resistance charms or on one of my other pieces.”
20 added to the mana pool for a necro is valuable. I’ve suggested OP use a Radiance helm instead for a bigger mana boost.
+2 To Mana is also valuable, but it can become pretty much useless if the merc has Insight. The only other mana generation I’m aware of that OP is using appears to be Manald. 9 skellies help fill the pool up pretty quick with the +2. I even use multiple sources of +2 to mana successfully with whirlwind barbs in his clvl 30s.
I personally don’t worry too much about resistances in hell. If I have +30 across the board I’m happy, so I enjoy the reduction even if it’s only .5 to 10% of the monster’s damage in hell, especially when making lore in an Elite helm.
I like the +2 when underground and at night in Sanctuary. I play the game as dark as possible, and so it has value for me. I use Nadir until I can make Lore or Radiance, so added light radius really feels good.
Monarch absolutely drop in NM, as I have found one myself a few months ago. I wouldn’t Larzuk it though, as it may tun out to be 3 open sockets. (low base ilvl)
Drop was Act 5 NM near Ancients and those icey caves somewhere.
Well the last part isn’t a lie, 4 os items drop from norm cows and on anyways so any monarch will indeed get 4 socks.
Admittedly there has been a bit of a debate about finding monarchs in NM especially since TZs were introduced. For 20+ years I’ve always been under the impression A5 NM does indeed drop elite items on rare occasion while NM TZs a little more frequently but still quite rare. I feel like I’ve had white monarchs drop with both scenarios but I’ll be honest my d2 memories are so foggy now, too much to keep track
Either way, there is no disputing that it is still far better to continue in hell as far as you can go if your goal is to find a white monarch…
monarch cannot drop in NM unless its a drop form a unique monster in a terror zone… so in reality your better off, searching in act 2 hell after inner cloister… a
although some caves in norm will be past lvl 72
check here just to make sure your not farming an area where it cant drop