Metalgrid IG is too weak

There seems to have been a change to the Golem numbers. I got the numbers in my previous post from D2Planner 3 days ago (I usually use D2Planner when on forum as my source since my computer struggles handling running the game and a browser at the same time). But now the numbers on D2Planner have changed with huge life increases for the Blood, Iron, and Fire Golem. Was this a change in game, or was D2planner just incorrect and only recently updated?

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You plan on making that every game? :rofl:

Golems are worthless regardless of class. They do no damage and their survivability requires a massive points dump for 1 lackluster skills.

In fact, Blizzard just nerfed Blood Golem this patch by reducing the LL in hell on an already worthless golem that does virtually no damage to being with…

Interesting. A boost in life is welcomed but the important part is resistance. Couple elemental projectile hits and it dies . So d2r team has taken the effort to fix the i.g. summon from items. Why not make it actually useful?

Once again, i would really like to see

  1. insight on shield
  2. i.g. elemental resist bump.

nope. it’s probably a good thing that it’s weak. if the golem was that strong. it would probably be mandatory for most builds occupying the amulet slot. now you probably mostly only use it until you find something better. just shame that the level on metalgrid is so high.

pretty strange that they nerfed the blood golem. maybe they are planning some other changes to blood golem that’s not yet ready for ptr?
they should just let all the golems equip one item. different item types depending on what type of golem you use. and remove the death penalty on them. just make the equipped item persist through golem death.

Considering metal grids high lvl requirement, the IG is far too weak. At its current state, it good up to nightmare, which is laughable for an ammy with such a high lvl requirement. I mean, who in their right mind would ever use this?

As mentioned above, the diversity and trade off is what makes diablo great. Look, i am willing to give up 2skills and 20fcr for a mana battery.

I think thats a huge trade off that deserves a robust battery pack.