Making Energy attribute relevant

Why not make caster weapons, steves, wands, orbs and voodo heads require energy to equip for caster characters? Like we have bows, crossbows, claws and throw weapons require dexterity.


There is Hoto,Spirit and etc. so most of them are useless, if you implement additional limitation then you make them even more useless.

Energy to be viable it should be ED for ele/fcr skills the same as Str/Dex is for ias/phys skills.

Synergies should be limited to 20p max. Open synergue mechanic destroying all caster balance, build diversity and all ctc skill mechanic.

Bigger Inventory should balance casters by skillers, the same as weapons balancing melee.

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Honestly I think seeing skills scale mana cost more smoothly would be enough. I really don’t like gatekeeping skills to make you use an attribute. That’s just entirely lazy game design.

In early game the skills cost so much mana you almost question if that +3 bone spear wand you have was even worth it. 10 mana per cast is dire when your mana pool is only 150. Scale that up in late game and boom easy mana is far more valuable. Staying with the bonespear example, if my level 45 bone spear cost 40 mana per cast I would definitely be putting a handful of attributes into energy and looking for mana after kill, regenerate mana, etc. on my gear.

Also I don’t like the adding %elemental/ magic dmg. We really don’t need ES sorcs being tanky AND dealing decent damage. There has to be tradeoffs. But I do like regenerate mana %. Reduce it a bit so warmth is still a good skill, but enough so non sorc classes don’t rely so heavily on insight early on.

YEah especially that we have HDin and Wind Droot :smiley:

Sorc is designed to be pure mage character with mana as her natural shield.

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Remove Vit as a stat point investment and increase health scaling per level.

Add reasons to invest into str/dex/energy:

  • Str now adds 1% crushing blow, 1% open wounds, and 1% deadly strike per X points
  • Dex now adds 1% IAS, 1% FCR, and 1% frw per X points
  • Energy now adds 1% caster skill damage (any skill affected by FCR) per X points

The real problem with D2’s faux choice for stat investment is that vit is better than every other stat by miles once you’ve hit gear requirements, or max block if you’re a paladin. By removing it as an option, and increasing what the other stats offer, players can start to make meaningful choices with the stats required for their builds.