Major endgame rework to patch 2.5 and onwards

That’s entirely wrong

You wrongly attribute this to immunity but you purposefully leave out the fact that on 1.10 they also boosted the life and thoughness of monsters by 3-4X

Immunity doesn’t prevent steamrolling when it’s not present, but when it’s present it also prevent… fun and playability

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Teleport stays as it is. But we should increase Faster Run Walk.
Anni has +25% FRW and its level requirement is 75.

Agree with keeping teleport as it is. Increase FRW is good, but not enough. Even if you increase FRW so that a char can easily achieve 150-200%, sorc is still infinitely faster in countess run, mephisto run and so on, because of randomized map seed in every game session. That’s why the majority of my suggestions are to make teleport not as useful as it is now.

And reworking the position of the farming spots with respect to a waypoint is not difficult in terms of coding. Arachnid lair being always next to spier forest waypoint, or entrance to flayer dungeons always next to the bonfire that spawn the gibdinn boss are good example. Just need to copy paste code lines and modify a bit to be suitable.

In summary: make it less randomized and shorter distance to go from waypoint to a farming spot, and make FRW faster.

P.S. People suggesting weird ideas here also need to consider the difficulty of adding new codes, bug fixing and so on. There’s a good reason most product designers are never the owner of a company, because he only cares about design, ignoring all other aspects of making such design a reality.

No thanks. I prefer the game as it is.

Also people overrate “farming spots.” You don’t need "farming spots… just go to Trav, City of the Damned, RoF, or WS2 WP and walk forward killing things. I can completely RIP a pre infinity Sorc with a half naked FoH pally at farming. So will a Zon with a Windforce TBH. Sorcs pre infinity are good at one thing… collecting keys.

Also give Fire Druid a try. It’s straight stronger than a cold sorc outside of AT.

Thankfully the dev don’t think like you at all. Every new patch comes new changes, and that seems to be the case since the beginning of D2R. Good luck with your wishful thinking.

Post a full video of you playing a non-sorc char, not depending on gears from a sorc, not farming mephisto at all, not farming countess, being able to clear all the areas you mentioned with ease, and I’ll buy your argument.

Can you say the same about countess and mephisto being overrated? Can you say the same about cold sorc with teleport capability but can travel to spider forest waypoint and enter arachnid lair in the next 2s? How is it fair that the class with teleport is getting even more advantage, while the non-sorc classes have to take up to 3-5min walking around just to find the entrance to a level 85 area (or tristram to get wirt’s leg)?

How many builds beside a cold sorc can realistically do this 2 weeks into a ladder? Or even 1 month? And how many non-sorc builds can do so without first creating a sorc to farm mephisto constantly for the next 2 weeks? Oh wait, we have d2jsp and you seem to advocate for it.

Clearly you don’t know what you’re talking about. Fire druid sucks even as at patch 2.4. Ways worse clearing speed than a fire sorc not using teleport in stony tomb. Clunky clear speed in cow level. Sucks at everywhere else. Oh and did I tell you that a fire sorc can reach stony tomb in less than 30s teleporting around, while a fire druid take around 3-5min to find the entrance to stony tomb? Is that the definition of a perfect game for you. And I’m talking from experience of wearing a raven lore with fire facet and a phoenix shield, so don’t tell me that my gears aren’t decent enough.

So as long as sorc and paladin are good, the other classes are OK to be pathetic at farming?

I think you’re too deep into pre 1.10 d2 that you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Clearly you don’t want the game to be good. You just want it to be good for sorc and the minority that owns enigma. Or a paladin (FoH, hammerdin) that even without teleport can farm one of the best farming spots in the game: chaos sanctuary. To people like you, game is fine when the need of the minor elites are met, but you seems to have no problem with the right of the majority being trashed upon.

You speak like an elite with zero sympathy toward the majority. You are fit to be a professional politician, who are excel at preserving the privilege of the elite class, while claiming “things are fine as it is” toward the majority commoners.

I’m sorry but if you think an Enigma is some mystical impossible to obtain object… you have very little experience with the game. Enigma is just a baseline for most builds lol.

Currently rocking out a Fire Druid FYI. :stuck_out_tongue: Still need another Ber/Jah/Lo to finish him out.

If it’s unattainable to obtain for 99% of ladder player, it’s a stupid baseline that only an elitist like you can come up with. Again, you just show your true face of being an elitist for calling enigma a baseline item. It’s like calling people owning a private mansion or villa a baseline for an average life. How does that sound?

Repeat after me, infinity and enigma are not baseline item, not in this world, not in the parallel universe. Only 0.1% of the ladder population or even less, own an enigma or infinity. Oh and infinity is not even the focus of this whole thread. Without infinity, you can choose not to farm in areas with relevant immunity. But without enigma, players can’t even reach their farming spots in any convenient manner. Except paladin with his CS runs.

Come back with a better argument. Or you know what, dev just need to change staff of teleport to have 500 charges, and each charge only costs 100g to repair.

Elitist being elitist. Such person just wants to maintain their status and exceptionalism, regardless of how the average majority is suffering from inconvenience.

P.S. I’m sorry for my lack of experience. Only playing the game for 15 years and dropped multiple sets of Jah-Ith-Ber in p1. Guess I’m not qualified to talk about how other classes need a way to compete with sorc without the need for enigma, one of the few rarest items in game.

Yeah, my offline fire druid has ravenlore with fire facet, hoto, phoenix, enigma. CTA 5/5/1 and spirit offhand, 5 elemental skillers, torch and anni. And infinity merc. Seems like not enough to comment about how clunky the build is. Sorry about that if it offends you.

Again you seem to lack even a basic understanding of how itemization works in this game.

It takes around 80-100 hours of play to farm an enigma for the average player. (As well as basically every other item to you need to make an end game build. Significantly less if you trade.

This isn’t some elite club. This is the average Joe with 2 hours a night of play finishing their build in a month to a month and a half.

The “elite” club is done with it LONG before that lol.

As to “reach their farming areas”… do you even understand how TC’s work? There is a VERY limited set of items that you need level 85 zones for. Jah drops in every zone in the game from Hell Arcane onwards and several before that. You absolutely do not “need” teleport to reach farm areas. At most the argument is “I have to play a sorc for X number of hours if I want to speed up torch farming.”

Caster builds do just fine with two spirits. Melee builds are generally fine after building a grief, with shifter druids doing fine with a couple unique options. Bowazon does fine with an Insight Bow or several other options before Windforce/Faith.

Prove it, that above 20% players at 1-1.5 months into the ladder have enigma/infinity.

Prove it, that 1-1.5 months period is realistic without starting a sorc first and have it farm intensively in NM/Hell mephisto.

You fail at comprehension do you? I address a way for players not needing to make a sorc at ladder start. And you just want to maintain your elitist privilege.

I don’t really care about the level 85 areas, what I care is that every other class (besides sorc and paladin) should have easy access to equally great farming spots comparable to hell mephisto and hell CS, I don’t even need them to rework the walking time to those farming spots if every char can have a 500-charge teleport staff that only cost 100g per charge. Or if dev place the durance portal right in front of the entrance to durance level 3, other changes are not necessary too.

I want to break the cursed ritual, that players have to start a sorc in ladder, to farm mephisto in order to play other builds.

The one not understanding, or pretending not to, IS YOU. The reason farming spots are farming spots is not because they are level 85 areas. But because they have better mob density and more elite pack density than the rest of the whole maps, while having predetermined immunity that allow you to know where to farm. If dev introduces more farming spots, I don’t mind it not being level 85 areas.

Except that for every minute of farming, sorc and paladin only takes 3-5s for traveling to the location, while other classes take 15-20s. That’s already 30-40% less efficient farming.

Lol… farming Meph for Enigma. Yeah I see your issue.

My dude the best farming spots in the game are Trav/Cows/Chaos. You don’t need TP for any of those. Killing in RoF on the way to Chaos isn’t wasted time either. Tp’ing past the pack adds very little.

A Barb and Trav is legit the fastest rune farming in the game, followed closely behind by a Pally doing it… then Cows on basically any class.

The biggest reason to make a Sorc is torch farming. You can crank out torches like a machine by day 3 if you know what you are doing. I learned making a sorc and farming Meph for days on end was a nub trap many many years ago.

It’s the same mistake people make when they hard MF stack. Aim for around 150-200mf at most. Even 100 is fine. You’ll see every blasted useful unique many times over by the time you farm your runes out. Once you get the main uniques you need for your build… drop the MF. Maximize your clear speed, overcap your fire/light resists early with charms… and just keep grinding. Boss running is a complete waste of time. All you need on any caster build is to farm out a torch, 2 spirits, a stealth, and grab a +2 rare or +3 single tree magic neck and some charms.

For the record I personally have found 4 Vex, 1 Ohm, 3 Lo, 1 Sur, 2 Ber, 2 Jah, 2 Cham in around 250-270 hours of play. The vast majority of that wasn’t spent in Trav or Cows either and all of it was on P1. These days frankly I’m just on chill mode. I pretty much put an episode of something on and half clear everything.

That’s 2 Enigmas straight out in around 125-135 hours of play per with a VERY casual style. If you are target farming Trav with a horker, cows, and trading you’ll cut that to a fraction of the time. Me? I’m just not in that much of a hurry.

It’s not like drop rates aren’t publicly available, and math is some lost mystical art my dude.

Which part of my arguments did I say farming mephisto for enigma? You’re imagining things.

  • Sorc is the fastest to get wirt’s leg, no disagreement? And a cold sorc can clear 10 runs of cow while other classes can only do 5-6 because the lost time is wasted when finding the red portal to tristram.
  • Trav? If you’re not a paladin, do you mind explaining how you got fire res overcapped without a sorc farming necessary gears for you in mephisto runs? Is that hotspur, infernostride, dwarf star, guardian angel magically dropping for other classes having little MF to be able to withstand the hydra summoned by the councils? Can a barb with unbending will only clear the councils with easy?
  • CS? Basically paladin kingdom for the first half of the ladder. Only enigma/infinity combo solves the issue.

Over and over again, you keep denying how easy the game is for sorc (because of teleport) and paladin (because he can farm CS and trav day 2 into the ladder without much gears).

In the end, I don’t even know why I’m arguing with you, when all your arguments are invalid against my original post. Do you know why I’m calling you an elitist? Because you want classes other than sorc and paladin to suffer in the first month of the ladder (assuming that what you say about getting the enigma 1 month into the season is true).

Last but not least, you fail to give an answer to why sorc or paladin deserve to drop that shako, vipermagi, mara, arachnid belt, Vex, Lo, Ohm much earlier and much easier than other classes. What I proposed in the OP was to rebalance the convenience of traveling to the farming spots. And here you are

If this sentence is not elitist, I don’t know what is. Can a druid or a barb get his enigma 200hrs into the ladder? Maybe. But when he finally got that, a fellow sorc already got her shako, mara, or even hoto done 100hrs before that. How is it fair that sorc and paladin can reach endgame gears (that you magically called baseline items) 2x to 3x faster than the rest of the population?

P.S. Go watch Dbrunski125’s latest video. He practically agrees with me that fire immunity is in a terrible situation when infinity can’t break most fire immunity. That’s a poor design and need an improvement: lower the fire res of fire immunity elite so that infinity can break most of it. Pre-infinity, both fire and lightning builds suck, but why post-infinity, fire builds continue to suck. Are you going to say that it’s fine that fire builds suck?

CONCLUSION: This game is far from perfect. Of course you can prefer the game as it is, your brain, your preference. But when dev make positive changes to rebalance classes, don’t complain when other classes deserve what they should have years ago.

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If you think it’s elitist to say “I like my pie with pie in it” Then this entire conversation is a waste of time. Go eat your cake.

Or you can reinstall d2 LOD because you prefer the game as it is. Clearly you don’t notice that d2r is at patch 2.4.3 now, which is far, far from “the game as it is”.

Hail the dev and their positive change to the community.

There will be patch 2.5, 2.6 and so on, and meanwhile you can still enjoy mumbling to yourself that you “like the game as it is”.

Brought to you by the idiots that made D3.

Moderator? Does such a direct insult to dev deserve a 1 month ban form the forum?

Not nearly as much as your endless drivel and incompetence.

Good luck. I’m going to see patch 2.5, 2.6, and so on while you can continue mumbling to yourself like an autistic child. Have fun.

Lul. Stay mad, stay bad.