So, Blizz, are you doing anything to fix that frustrating bug which stops thousands of your precious players to actually play your game for hours ? ? I’m sure you are. The real question is how much more angry posts can you stomach before saying…I don’t know…anything?
For 25 hours no feedback or help, when I read above some players have already got 50 hours together … I don’t understand why we are not given any information feel shaded!
finally - I just logged in ! after 20 hours… Can play with chars now.
Same, looks like it’s some kind of magic.
I think the reset occurs every 18-19:00 CET - it should occur every hour… This is insane.
finaly works whyyyyyyyyy? but that should be much faster next time pls
It will happen again surely someday. The problem is, the cooldown should be max 1h, not every 24h at 18-19:00 CET…
Looks like the restart occurs like at 12:00 West America time.
Battle Tag: Arkuo#1339
Character : ALL
Server: Americas
Platform: PC
Since: 17:00 PST 10/27/2021
Battle Tag: Iorveth#1463
Character : ALL
Server: Americas
Platform: PC
Since: 16:00 PST 10/27/2021 tag: LuckyOwl#2215992
region: EU
characters affected: all
platform: PC
~ 10 HOURS AGO! tag: Iceorb#21696
region: Americas
characters affected: all
platform: PC
Time that your characters got stuck in game
10h ago
What time zone you’re in
CET +1
Platform (PC, PS5, XBox One, Switch, etc)
got stuck 10h ago and tried everything so far … 15mins atempts, 1h atempt … nothing working
時間:2021/10/28 0800~1700
遊戲:暗黑破壞神II重製板 PC
遊戲暱稱:Lala-Leo 聖騎士 91級
this (Lala-Leo LV91) can not creat any room .can not join any room.
he show i am in the someone game
he do not let me creat any room to play
Stuck since: ~10 hours
Timezone: UTC +2
Platform: PC
Tag: phL#21360
region: Europe
character effected: all
platform: pc
stuck since 1:30 am GMT+1
Tag: Rokezan#2850
region: Europe
Platform: PC
Stuck since 2 pm GMT+1
The error says that my character is already in a game on the server.
Battle Tag: Barbatecat#2889
Character : ALL
Server: EU
Platform: PC
Since - 17:00 (GTM+3)
Tag: waldi1987#2690
Region: EU
Platform: PC
Stuck ~ 13h
Battle Tag: JohnBurns#1243
Character : ALL
Server: US (PDT)
Platform: PC
Stuck for 15~ hours