[Main Thread] - Can not create or join games - "character is already in a game"

Char stuck in game error as well.
Account: ChitRift#1627

To blizz: If this is going to continue to be such a tricky issue to fix, please consider just shutting down the servers for however long it takes rather than frustrating half the player base that is locked out and watching friends play because they got lucky. Not mad at blizzard in particular as these things do happen. But this seems like something you should just shut the game down for a day or 2 to completely fix.

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bnet tag: viskning#1724
character: Spark
Time: 20:00
Server: EU
PC Windows 10

I never had this problem until now that the server I was on restarted. WTF!?
Now all my characters are ā€œin a gameā€. Great job at actually making the problem worse.


Stuck again, man this is getting to be a real pain here, losing patience with this pretty quickly.

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Stuck since day 1. I was finally able to play today for a couple of hours and now my character is stuck again because of maintenanceā€¦ sigh.

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I noticed when I was logging in/out farming Countess , about the 5th time the map wouldnā€™t refresh. That is, the previous game maps started overlapping. Then by the 8th login game got very laggy. Now Iā€™m the same as the rest of you.

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bnet tag: Bulcanos#2442
character: Bulcanos_REBE
Time: 20:00
Server: EU
PC Windows 11

and againā€¦ i got unlocked, just to get locked again 20min laterā€¦ this is insane really, i got holidays on work to play over the week and just got thisā€¦

Battletag: DRAKGO#2662
Character : Cumbiaricapapi + ALL
Region: EU
Platform: PC
Time of Error: 2021-09-26 around 19:00 GMT+0

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bnet tag: Joe#26236
character: Trilis-LT
Time: 21:00
Server: EU
PC Windows 10
Timezone: UTC +2

Char: zertezx
Region: EU
Locked ~ 20:00 CEST

Just got locked out~30 minutes ago. not againā€¦

ā€œWeā€™ll be performing live server maintenance on Sunday, September 26th from 10:30 AM (PDT) to 1:30 PM (PDT). During this time, players may experience interruptions of service including disconnects, but should be able to log back in.ā€

Disconnected, logged back in to a black screen which eventually resolved into no characters. Tried several times, nothing. Left it for a bit and came back. Logged in to a list of characters, but now back to ā€œFailer to enter game. This character is already in a game on the server.ā€ 3rd time in 2 daysā€¦and this time likely due to maintenance that should be fixing this!

B-tag: CaptainAhab#1554
Character: All
Platform: PC
Region: NA
Timezone: PDT
Initial DC: ~1 hour ago
Character stuck in game message: ~15min ago

same Story nach den Wartungsarbeiten kein spiel mehr mƶglich

Help please!!!
Battletag : ArbiTeR#22418
Server : Europe
Character : All (Siski)
Platform : PC wind 10
Time: GMT+3

Keel#21936 Bitcoin (sorceress) how am i stuck in game again ? can not connect to any game even tho yesterday it was allright

All characters
NA server.
mostly concerned with my druid Vaid
idk roughly when maint started
PC platform

Char : NO

well blizz are u good at what ur doing?

Thanks for the updates.

I was playing while the maintenance was apparently ongoing(I had no idea) and when I went to Save&Exit, the game stuck on the black screen. After restarting the game client, heroes disappeared. Waited a while, and now they are both stuck with different messages.

Will let you know in an hour or so if they are still stuck.

Got locked againā€¦

Battletag: nartuv#1617
Server: America
Character: Meteorb
Platform: PC
Time: 11:30am PST

bnet tag: Zythixx#1483
character: Zailea
Time: 1430 EST
Server: D2 EU region, Bnet Americas
PC Windows 10

Had the no character issue and switched D2 back to America region and characters showed up, but this one is stuck.