Lost weapon items after clearing Baal and going thru Tyrael's Portal

So I defeated Baal on my Amazon and went thru Tyrael’s portal like you normally would. After gaining the title of slayer and re-entering the game, my weapon is gone! I didn’t die once during the fight so I didn’t leave my items behind. This glitch is pretty bs and I won’t be wasting my time playing a game where my hard earned items just disappears with no ramifications. Disappointing is an under statement of how bad this game’s release and issues are. This will be the last time that I let myself be disappointed by this company.


Was the weapon the only item that disappeared?
What about TP/ID Tomes if they were in your inventory? Perhaps keys?
This game has trouble saving all the inventory & stash items at the moment if you have too many amulets/rings/jewels/charms stored.


I’m playing Online and Offline. I’ve been playing since launch. I’m a casual player, but I play every day. My Stash Tabs are slammed (Personal and Shared) with Potions, Keys, Jewels, Gems, Runes, etc.

I’ve lost nothing, yet.   :crossed_fingers:

Note: I’m not disputing you. I’m only providing information to, hopefully, pinpoint the cause of the issue you and others are experiencing.

I also backup my Offline Character files after every game session…   (Just in case).

I bet he pressed W and switched his weapon to nothing.

This happens to me very often. Because I have no second weapon.



Just a suggestion. While it is true that people items and charms are sometimes missing, mine as well, it is important that we do not let our theories of WHY this is happening run rampant. You are stating that the game has trouble saving all the inventory and stash items if there are too many, but you don’t know that for a fact. Please lets wait for confirmation on this from Blizzard or at the very least state that this is your opinion so as not to fuel the conspiracy theorists. You are spreading potentially good info, but we dont know that for sure.


If the devs & Blizzard-appointed community personnel aren’t responsive to a critical issue (valuable items disappearing in a game about collecting valuable items is a critical issue), the best community members can do is share their best guesses and their best advice until Blizzard acknowledge & address the critical issue.

Someone also lost a handful of unid rare Amulets because he was planning to ID them all at once. This item poofing was actually a consequence of a bandaid fix implemented decades ago. Back then, if a Battle.net character’s savefile exceeded the allotted amount, their client would immediately crashed. The old developers added a poofing algorithm to prevent the client crash.

This is why people that genuinely report disappearing items always mention their tomes of ID/portal and keys disappear as well. The algorithm is probably written to remove the most replaceable items from a character’s save file before it deletes some others to stay within the save file limit.

Until Blizzard officially acknowledge and address this issue, I will keep spreading the best info the community has gathered so there’s less victims. Please stay in your lane.

Hi Errant,

I’m quite interested in the topic. Do you have a link to information about this “bandaid fix”? I tried to think this whole thing through, but so far it just doesn’t add up completely yet. A savefile is limited to 8192bytes, which is 65.536 bits. A rare or crafted item (that’s a type of item with the highest dataspace needed) needs a maximum of 88bits (see here: https://user.xmission.com/~trevin/DiabloIIv1.09_Item_Format.shtml). So there should be space for 744 items if all space in the savefile was used for item information. Now in reality, also other information like character and questinfo is stored there (see here: https://github.com/krisives/d2s-format#items) which takes around 800bytes. But then still, there should be enough space for around 500 items. Enough for the 400 space stash plus the items in inventory and on the character.

The game’s too dated to provide exact quotes/info, but this savefile size issue has been known for the fans interested in the technical side of the game.

This is a quote from an enthusiast page I found, I’m not providing link because I don’t know if linking D2 modding communities is okay in these official forum.

Sun Oct 11, 2015 6:17 am
Search “character file size limit” or search “SaveFile Limit”.
Usually having too many mods on too many items in (inventory, stash, cube); is the cause of this issue. A simple code edit does not increase savefile limit in the proper way, “better to replace those functions where the filesize is on the stack”

Did you try a new game session? Dont just quit before double checking. I had my entire equipped inventory disappear after I died a single time and picked up my body. One death, with a standard hammerdin setup. My tombs, potions and cube were there but nothing else. I re connected and there was another body with all my stuff at my feet. Really weird but it fixed itself… I Hope you get lucky man…

This is another discussion with a former D2 developer chiming in.
You can easily find the source through pasting the below in a search engine.
This isn’t the word from the former dev though, it’s from an informed player.

Usually a character leaving a game without having their inventory saved indicated a desync between the game server and the MCP servers. The game server was authoritative over your character for a specific game, while the MCP server was authoritative for your character between games. If the game server became disconnected from the MCP server for whatever reason, you could drop all of your items, leave the game, and the MCP server would still believe you had those items as the game server never saved your character’s state with MCP.

There were more fun bugs between GS ↔ MCP as well. For example for many patches there was a size limit on your character. If your character data was over a set size, the GS wouldn’t even try saving your character to the MCP and would roll it back to the last valid save. If you joined a game near the limit, dropped an item, picked up an item that was larger in size (had more stats etc) which pushed you over the limit, then left the game, the server would revert your save back to when you had the original item.

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Hi Errant,

we tested your hypothesis in single player and can confirm it. Limit is still at the same value as in d2 classic (8192bytes):


Having more items than this value leads to repeated item vanishing.

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